Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/821

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INDEX Washington-Continued. Indians-Continued. Page Irrigation projects, appropriation for_ 328, 33C Support, etc., appropriation for---- 325, 335, 337 Navigation and flood-control projects authorized ----- _---------_ 21, 22, 23 Olympic National Park, appropriation for protection of adjacent land --- 352 Preliminary examinations and surveys of rivers, etc., authorized --------- 33 Yakima, term of district court at------ 661 Yakima project, appropriation for---- 340, 342, 647 Washington, D. C . See District of Columbia. Washington, George, Definitive Writings of, furnishing of sets to members of Congress ----------------------- _ 258 Washington, George, Memorial Parkway, appropriation for------------------ 353 Washington City Post Office, reimburse- ment for heat furnished by Capitol Power Plant -------------------- 252 Washington National Airport: Construction, appropriation for---- 424, 646 Jurisdiction in---------------------- 553 Maintenance and operation, appropria- tion for ----------------------- 190 Watauga Dam, appropriation for construc- tion____________________________ 126 Water Conservation and Utilization Proj- ects, appropriation for ---------- 162, 343 Waterways. See Rivers and Harbors. Watson Bayou, Fla., improvement author- ized - -- __

17 Waukegan Harbor, Ill., improvement authorized ----------------------- 19 Way Cake Creek, N. J ., improvement authorized ---------------------- 13 Weather Bureau. See under Commerce, Department of. Websters Cove, Md., examination and survey for construction of jetty authorized -------- _-------__--- - 26 Weibert, Henry, appropriation for settle- ment of claim of------ ___---____-. 425 Weights and Measures, International Bureau of, appropriation for contribu- tion ------------------------ 427, 653 Wekiwa River, Fla., channel system, examination and survey authorized__ 29 Well Cove, Chester River, Md., channel, examination and survey authorized__ 27 Wellfleet Harbor, Mass., improvement authorized ----------------------- 12 West Atchafalaya Basin, La., examination and survey authorized --- __------_ 30 West Palm Beach Canal, Fla., examination Page and survey authorized ------------- 29 West Point, N. Y.: Bullion depository, appropriation for -_ - 65 Military reservation, easement over, etc., grant to Orange and Rockland Electric Company authorized --- _ 36 West Virginia, bridge authorized across Tug Fork of Big Sandy River at or near Williamson --------- _____ --- _ 223 Westchester Creek, N. Y., examination and survey authorized ------------ 26 Western Hemisphere. See American Re- publics. Western Shoshone Indians, Nev., appro- priation for irrigation systems--. .. 328, 331 Westport, Wash., examination and survey for breakwater, etc., authorized ---- 33 Weymouth Fore River, Mass., improve- ment authorized ------------- ____ 12 Whaling Treaty Act, appropriation for enforcement-------------_ _ - ---- -- 355 Wheat: Acreage allotment status of certain producers, protection of ------- _ - 9 Commodity Credit Corporation, sales, parity price -------------- _____ 50 Sale price restrictions --------------- 154 Subsidy allocation, payment by Com- modity Credit Corporation --- ___. 507 Wheat Advisory Committee, International, appropriation for share of expenses - 141 Wheelock Academy, Okla., appropriation for education of Indians ---------- _ 333 Whiskey. See Distilled Spirits. White House Office: Appropriation for __--- --- -- --- --- 106, 413 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, appropria- tion for expenses incident to death and burial --------------------- 413 White House Police Force, pay increase- _ 470 White Pine Blister Rust Control, appro- priation for---_ __ _


__-------_ 149 Whitings Creek, Va., improvement author- ized---...---------------------- 15 Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, ap- propriation for maintenance of long- horned cattle--------_ _- -- --- --- -_ 356 Wickford Harbor, R. I ., improvement authorized --------------- __------ 13 Wildlife. See Fish and Wildlife Service under Interior, Department of the. Willamette River, improvements author- ized -------------------------- _ 21,22 Willapa River and Harbor, Wash., exami- nation, improvement, etc., authorized- 22, 33 Williams Point, Md., examination and survey authorized 26 CXXIV ~~- -.. ,-|-,,- - -- -- -- -- -- -- --