Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1046

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69 STAT.] GREAT BRITAIN-COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY-DIC. 10, 1945 Agreement between the United States of America and the United Kingdom December 10, 1945 of Great Britain and Northern Ireland respecting an Anglo-American E. A. S.491] Committee of Inquiry. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Wash- ington December 10, 1945. The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON December 10, 1945 EXCELLENC : I have the honor to inform Your Excellency, with reference to our conversations on the subject, that the Government of the United States agrees to constitute, in cooperation with the Government of the United Kingdom, a joint Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry with the following terms of reference. 1. To examine political, economic and social conditions in Palestine as they bear upon the problem of Jewish immigration and settlement therein and the well-being of the peoples now living therein; 2. To examine the position of the Jews in those countries in Europe where they have been the victims of Nazi and Fascist persecution, and the practical measures taken or contemplated to be taken in those countries to enable them to live free from discrimination and oppres- sion and to make estimates of those who wish or will be impelled by their conditions to migrate to Palestine or other countries outside Europe; 3. To hear the views of competent witnesses and to consult repre- sentative Arabs and Jews on the problems of Palestine as such prob- lems are affected by conditions subject to examination under paragraphs 1 and 2 above and by other relevant facts and circum- stances, and to make recommendations to the Governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom for ad interim handling of these problems as well as for their permanent solution; and 4. To make such other recommendations to the Governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom as may be necessary to meet the immediate needs arising from conditions subject to examination under paragraph 2 above, by remedial action in the European coun- tries in question or by the provision of facilities for emigration to and settlement in countries outside Europe. The Committee should be composed of six nationals of the United States, appointed by the Government of the United States, and six nationals of the United Kingdom, appointed by the Government of the United Kingdom, and shall operate under a rotating chairmanship. The Governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom 1729