Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1057

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. September 27,1945 Agreement between the United States of America and other powers con- E.A. S. 494] cerning a European Central Inland Transport Organization. And protocols. Signed at London September 27, 1945; effective September 27, 1945. [SEAL] AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN EUROPEAN CENTRAL INLAND TRANSPORT ORGANISATION WHEREAS, upon the liberation of the territories of the United Na- tions in Europe, and upon the occupation of the territories of the enemy in Europe, it is expedient for the fulfilment of the common mil- itary needs of the United Nations and in the interests of the social and economic progress of Europe, to provide for co-ordination both in the movement of traffic and in the allocation of transport equip- ment and material with a view to ensuring the best possible movement of supplies both for military forces and the civil population and the speedy repatriation of displaced persons, and also with a view to cre- ating conditions in which the normal movement of traffic can be more rapidly resumed; The Governments whose duly authorised representatives have signed the present Agreement Have agreed as follows - ARTICLE I Ante, p. I362. There is hereby established the European Central Inland Transport Organisation, hereinafter called "the Organisation," which shall act in accordance with the provisions of the following Articles. The Organisation is established as a co-ordinating and consultative organ. Having regard to the successful completion of the war, it shall co- ordinate efforts to utilise all means of transport for the improvement of communications so as to provide for the restoration of normal con- ditions of economic life. It shall also provide assistance to the Allied Commanders-in-Chief and to the Occupation Authorities set up by Governments of the United Nations to maintain and improve the car- rying capacity of transport. ARTICLE I. - Membership. The members of the Organisation shall be the Governments signa- tory hereto and such other Governments as may be admitted thereto by the Council. ABrICLE III. - Constitution. 1. The Organisation shall consist of a Council and an Executive Board with the necessary headquarters, regional and local staff. The 1740