Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1127

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. however, the remainder of such commitments would be discharged as soon as the causes of interruption had been removed. B. FLAXSEED AND ITS PRODUCTS Purchase of flax- 1. The Argentine Government will make available to the U.S. Com- seed, etc. mercial Company and the U.S. Commercial Company will purchase the entire exportable surplus as hereafter defined of flaxseed, linseed oil, and cake, and meal, arising from the 1944-1945 crop and the 1945-1946 crop, and prior crops. 2. Subject to the provision governing exchange of caloric values contained in Paragraph A-2 hereof, all of the exportable surplus of the 1944-1945 crop shall be made available for loading f.o.b . vessel Buenos Aires, not later than December 31, 1945 and similarly, all of the exportable surplus of the 1945-1946 crop, not later than December 31, 1946. " Exportable sur- 3. The term "exportable surplus" is defined to mean all flaxseed, plus " (and linseed oil and cake and meal subject to limitation hereafter provided in Paragraph B-4) in stock or from new production deliver- able during the period mentioned and in the manner specified in Paragraph B-1 hereof, and in no event to be less than 133,000 (One Hundred Thirty-three Thousand) metric tons of flax- seed 179,000 (One Hundred Seventy-nine Thousand) metric tons of lin- seed cake and meal, and 88,000 (Eighty-eight Thousand) metric tons of linseed oil, in the case of the 1944-1945 crop and prior crops, and which is not required for (a) the needs of the Argentine domestic market other than fuel requirements, (b) normal exports for consumption in other Latin-American countries, based on volume of such exports to each country in prior years, and (c) normal exports for consumption in European countries, based on volume of exports to each such country in prior years, subject to the following limitations: (i) no such export will be approved except at the express request of the government of the European nation involved; (ii) the U. S . Commercial Company representative will be informed promptly of all export licenses applied for in accordance with the preceding clause; (iii) arrangements will be made to keep the Argentine Gov- ernment informed of quotas established by the Combined Food Board in favor of European nations for Argentine products covered by this paragraph; (d) the unavoidable minimum of consumption for fuel in Argen- tina until such time as fuel oil supplies under this agreement render such use of the product unnecessary, 1810