Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/180

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844 June 8, 1945 [H. Con. Res. N8] Printing of addi- tional copies of House committee hearings. 34 stat. 1012 . 44U. .0.§ 154. June 18, 195 [H. Con. Res. 63] Printing of addi- tional copies of House ommittee hearings. 34 Stat. 1012 . 44U.S. . l 1M. July 21, 1945 [H. Con. Res. 50] Deductionasexpenses of intangible drilling and development costs 26U..0.. 23; Supp. IV, 1 2. 26U.S.0. I7 (b) (18)upp. IV , i 711 July 21, 1945 [H. Con. Res. 681 House of epresent- atlves Senate. June 8, 15, 1945 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS J---Ju , 1945 POSTWAR DISPOSITION OF MERCHANT VESSELS [59 STAT. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That in accordance with paragraph 3 of section 2 of the Printing Act, approved March 1, 1907, the Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries of the House of Representatives be, and is hereby, author- ized and empowered to have printed for its use seven hundred and fifty additional copies of part 1 of the hearings on postwar disposi- tion of merchant vessels held before said committee during the cur- rent session. Passed June 8, 1945. FOOD SHORTAGES Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That, in accordance with paragraph 3, of section 2, of the Printing Act, approved March 1, 1907, the Special Committee of the House of Representatives Designated to Investigate Food Shortages be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered to have printed for its use five thousand additional copies of parts 1 and 2 of the hearings held before said committee during the current session. Passed June 18, 1945. OIL AND GAS WELLS Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That in the public interest the Congress hereby declares that by the reenactment, in the various revenue Acts beginning with the Revenue Act of 1918, of the provisions of section 23 of the Internal Revenue Code and of the corresponding sections of prior revenue Acts allowing a deduction for ordinary and necessary business expenses, and by the enactment of the provisions of section 711 (b) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code relating to the deduction for intangible drilling and development costs in the case of oil and gas wells, the Congress has recognized and approved the provisions of section 29.23 (m)-16 of Treasury Regulations 111 and the corresponding provisions of prior Treasury Regulations granting the option to deduct as expenses such intangible drilling and development costs. Passed July 21, 1945. ADJOURNMENT Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That when the House adjourns on Saturday, July 21, 1945, it stand adjourned until 12 o'clock meridian on Monday, October 8, 1945, or until 12 o'clock meridian on the third day after Members are notified to reassemble in accordance with section 3 of this concurrent resolu- tion, whichever occurs first. SzC. 2. That the consent of the House of Representatives is hereby given to an adjournment of the Senate at any time during the month of August or September 1945, until 12 o'clock meridian on Monday, October 8, 1945, or until 12 o'clock meridian on the third day after Members are notified to reassemble in accordaime witht section 3 of this concurrent resolution, whichever occurs first.