Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/567

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59 STAT.] MEXICO-WATER UTILIZATION-Fe. 34,1944 Nov.14,1944 diversion points on the inter- national land boundary line re- ferred to in this Treaty. Among these works shall be included: the canal and other works neces- sary to convey water from the lower end of the Pilot Knob Wasteway to the international boundary, and, should Mexico request it, a canal to connect the main diversion structure referred to in subparagraph (a) of this Article, if this diversion structure should be built in the limitrophe section of the river, with the Mexican system of canals at a point to be agreed upon by the Commission on the international land boundary near San Luis, Sonora. Such works shall be con- structed or acquired and operated and maintained by the United States Section at the expense. of Mexico. Mexico shall also pay the costs of any sites or rights of way required for such works. (d) The Commission shall con- struct, operate and maintain in the limitrophe section of the Colorado River, and each Section shall con- struct, operate and maintain in the territory of its own country on the Colorado River below Im- perial Dam and on all other carry- ing facilities used for the delivery of water to Mexico, all necessary gaging stations and other measur- ing devices for the purpose of keeping a complete record of the waters delivered to Mexico and of the flows of the river. All data ob- tained as to such deliveries and flows shall be periodically com- piled and exchanged between the two Sections. ARTICLE 13 The Commission shall study, in- vestigate and prepare plans for flood control on the Lower Colora- 66347--47-PT. 11 -36 puntos mexicanos de derivaci6n en la linea divisoria internacional terrestre que se especifican en este Tratado. Entre estas obras se incluiran: el canal y las otras obras necesarias para conducir el agua desde el extremo inferior de la descarga de Pilot Knob hasta el limite internacional y, a solicitud de M6xico, un canal que conecte la estructura principal de deriva- ci6n a que se refiere el inciso a) de este Articulo, si 6sta se con- struyere en el tramo limitrofe del rio, con el sistema mexicano de canales en el punto de la linea divisoria internacional, cerca de San Luis, Sonora, en que convenga la Comisi6n. Las obras men- cionadas seran construidas o ad- quiridas y operadas y mantenidas por la Secci6n de los Estados Unidos a expensas de M6xico. Mexico cubrira tambi6n los costos de los sitios y derechos de via requeridos para dichas obras. d) La Comisi6n construira, mantendra y operara en el tramo limitrofe del rio Colorado, y cada Secci6n construira, mantendra y operara en su territorio respectivo, en el rio Colorado, aguas abajo de la presa Imperial, y en todas las otras obras usadas para entregar agua a Mexico, las estaciones hidrom6tricas y dispositivos ne- cesarios para llevar un registro completo del caudal que se en- tregue a Mexico y del escurri- miento del rio. Todos los datos obtenidos al respecto seran com- pilados e intercambiados peri6dica- mente por las dos Secciones. Construction, etc., by Commission. By each Section. ARTICULO 13 La Comision estudiara, investi- wFlodrcontrol garb y prepararh los proyectos para el control de las avenidas en