Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/614

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1290 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. at the outlets now provided at the Canal Zone boundary at a reasonable rate to be agreed upon by both Governments. Likewise, if the Panamanian Government so desires, the cities of Panama and Col6n may continue to use, to the extent prevailing at present and with the facilities now available, the sewage disposal services of the Canal Zone. The water rate to be agreed upon will include the cost of these services. If at any time the Government of the Republic of Panama should desire to renounce the use in part of the water supply and sewerage facilities of the Canal Zone referred to above, the two Governments would agree upon the charges payable by the Republic of Panama for the use of such facilities as it may desire to retain. It is understood that employees of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Company residing in the Republic of Panama shall not be charged higher water rates than those charged other residents of Panama and Col6n, respectively, for similar services. It should be pointed out that the turning over to the Government of the Republic of Panama of the physical properties of the water works and sewerage systems and the administration thereof, including the collection of the water rates does not in any way modify the ex- isting arrangement for the responsibility of the public health services of the cities of Panama and Col6n as specified in the second paragraph of Article VII of the Convention between the United States of Amer- 33 Stat.223. ica and Panama, signed at Washington, November 18, 1903. Thus, the Republic of Panama will continue to pay only those costs of sani- tary measures for which it has been responsible in the past. This Government in continuing to maintain the health services in the cities of Panama and Col6n is confident that the Government of the Republic of Panama will fully cooperate with the appropriate Canal Zone officials in carrying out the agreement regarding increased participation of Panamanian personnel in sanitation activities in those cities as set forth in the exchange of notes accompanying the 53Stat.1o7. General Treaty of March 2, 1936, which in turn refer to the earlier proposal of October 1931. 2. RailroadLots in Panama and Col6n. The President will seek the authority of the Congress of the United States to transfer to the Republic of Panama free of cost all of its rights, title and interest to the lands belonging to or of which the Panama Railroad Company now has usufruct in the cities of Panama and Col6n which are not currently or prospectively needed for the maintenance, operation, sanitation and protection of the Panama Canal, or of its auxiliary works, or for the operation of the Panama railroad. The Panama Railroad Company will convey to the Re- public of Panama those lands which it possesses within that portion of Manzanillo Island lying within the area bounded by a line described as follows: (See copy of map M 5036-3 transmitted with the Depart- ment's memorandum of July 8,1941.)