Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/812

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. erly equipped, shall on call be made available by the Govern- ment of the Republic of Guate- mala for use by the members of the Mission for the conduct of the official business of the Mis- sion. offce space. ARTICLE 20. The Government of the Republic of Guatemala shall provide suitable office space and facilities for the use of the members of the Mission. Tesporstaton of ARTICLE 21. If any member of remains in case of l ea th. the Mission, or any of his family, should die in the Republic of Guatemala, the Government of the Republic of Guatemala shall have the body transported to such place in the United States of America as the surviving members of the family may decide, but the cost to the Government of the Re- public of Guatemala shall not ex- ceed the cost of transporting the remains from the place of decease to New York City. Should the deceased be a member of the Mis- sion, his services with the Mission shall be considered to have termi- nated fifteen (15) days after his Return transports- death. Return transportation to ion for family. New York City for the family of the deceased member and for their baggage, household effects, and automobile shall be provided Ante p. 142. as prescribed in'Article 16. All ompensation due compensation due the deceased eceased member. member, including salary for fif- teen (15) days subsequent to his death, and reimbursement for ex- penses and transportation due the deceased member for travel per- formed on official business of the Republic of Guatemala, shall be paid to the widow of the deceased member or to any other person who may have been designated in writ- ing by the deceased while serving under the terms of this Agreement; but such widow or other person shall not be compensated for ac- transporte adecuado con ch6fer, y cuando sea necesario un aero- plano debidamente equipado, para el uso de los miembros de la Misi6n en la tramitaci6n de los asuntos oficiales de la misma. ARTIfCLO 20. El Gobierno de la Republica de Guatemala propor- cionari una oficina adecuada, e- quipada debidamente, para el uso de los miembros de la Misi6n. ARTfCULO 21. Si cualquier miem- bro de la Misi6n o cualquiera de sus familiares fallecieren en la Repdblica de Guatemala, el Go- bierno de la Repdblica de Guate- mala hara trasladar los restos hasta el lugar en los Estados Unidos de Am6rica que determi- nen los familiares sobrevivientes, pero el costo para el Gobierno de la Repiblica de Guatemala no excedera del costo del traslado de los restos desde el lugar del fallecimiento hasta la ciudad de Nueva York. Si el fallecido fuere uno de los miembros de la Misi6n, se considerara que sus servicios en esta han terminado quince (15) dias despues de su muerte. So proporcionar& transporte de re- greso a la ciudad de Nueva York para la familia del miembro falle- cido y para su equipaje, efectos domesticos, y autom6vil, de acuerdo con las disposiciones del Articulo 16. Toda remunera- ci6n que se adeude al miembro fallecido, incluso su salario por los quince (15) dias siguientes a su muerte, y todo reembolso que se le adeude por gastos y trans- porte en viajes realizados en asuntos oficiales en la Repdblica de Guatemala, se pagarAn a la viuda del miembro fallecido o a cualquiera otra persona que 6ste haya designado por escrito mien- tras prestaba servicio de confor- midad con los terminos de este r d d 1494 ti