Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/817

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. 56 Stat. 1608. Waiver of claims arising from negligent navigation. Waiver of claims for salvage services. Waiver of claims arising from loss of cargo, etc. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE COM. MONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Gov- ernment of the United States of America being desirous of defining, in so far as certain problems of marine transportation and litigation are concerned, the manner in which shall be provided mutual aid in the conduct of the war including the aid contemplated by the Exchange of Notes between the Australian Minister at Washington and the United States of America, Secretary of State, on the 3rd September, 1942, have agreed as follows - ARTILE I (1) Each contracting Government agrees to waive all claims arising out of or in connection with negligent navigation or general average in respect of any cargo or freight owned by such Government and in respect of any vessel (including naval vessel) owned by such Govern- ment against the other contracting Government or any cargo, freight or vessel (including naval vessel) owned by such other Government or against any servant or agent of such other Government or in any case where such other Government represents that such claim if made would ultimately be borne by such other Government. (2) Each contracting Government agrees on behalf of itself and of any organisation which is owned or controlled by it and operating for its account or on its behalf to waive all claims for salvage services against the other contracting Government or against any cargo, freight or vessel (including naval vessel) owned by such other Government or in any case where such other Government represents that such salvage claim if made would ultimately be borne by such other Government. (3) Each contracting Government agrees to waive all claims for loss of or damage to cargo owned by such Government and arising out of the carriage thereof or for loss of or damage to any cargo or vessel owned by one contracting Government and caused by the shipment or carriage of cargo owned by the other contracting Government against such other Government or against any servant or agent of such other Government or against any vessel (including naval vessel) owned by such other Government or in any cases where such other Government represents that the claim if made would ultimately be borne by such other Government. 1500