Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/836

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59STAT.] MULTILATERAL-INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION-DEC. 7, 1994 who are not members of the Council and one or more mem- ber States who are members of the Council, any State within the second category which is a party to the dispute shall have no right to vote on that dispute. Section 5 The powers and duties of the Council shall be to: Powersond Council 1. Carry out the directives of the Assembly. 2. Determine its own organization and rules of procedure. 3. Determine the method of appointment, emolu- ments, and conditions of service of the employees of the Organization. 4. Appoint a Secretary General. 5. Provide for the establishment of any subsidiary working groups which may be considered desirable, among which there shall be the following interim com- mittees: a. A Committee on Air Transport, b. A Committee on Air Navigation, and c. A Committee on International Convention on Civil Aviation. If a member State so desires, it shall have the right to appoint a representative on any such interim committee or working group. 6. Prepare and submit to the Assembly budget esti- mates of the Organization, and statements of accounts of all receipts and expenditures and to authorize its own expenditures. 7. Enter into agreements with other international bodies when it deems advisable for the maintenance of common services and for common arrangements con- cerning personnel and, with the approval of the As- sembly, enter into such other arrangements as may facilitate the work of the Organization. Section 6 In addition to the powers and authority which the Fuuctiong Assembly may delegate to it, the functions of the Council shall be to: 1. Maintain liaison with the member States of the Organization, calling upon them for such pertinent data and information as may be required in giving consideration to recommendations made by them. 2. Receive, register, and hold open to inspection by member States all existing contracts and agreements 1519