Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/975

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. October 6, 1945 [E. A. S. 482] 48 Stat. 1809. Department of State Publication 2282. Inauguration of air services. Post, p. 16io. Agreement between the United States of America and Norway respecting air transport services. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Wash- ington October 6, 1945; effective October 15, 1945. The Secretary of State to the Norwegian Charged'Affaires ad interim DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON October6, 1946 Sm: I refer to discussions which have recently taken place between repre- sentatives of the Governments of the United States of America and Norway with respect to the conclusion of a reciprocal air transport agreement. It is my understanding that these discussions, now terminated, have resulted in the following agreement: AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND NORWAY RELATING TO AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES The Governments of the United States of America and Norway signed on October 16, 1933 an air navigation arrangement govern- ing the operation of civil aircraft of the one country in the territory of the other country, in which each party agreed that consent for the operations over its territory by air transport companies of the other party might not be refused on unreasonable or arbitrary grounds. Pursuant to the aforementioned arrangement of 1933, the two gov- ernments hereby conclude the following arrangement covering the operation of scheduled airline services between their respective terri- tories, based on the standard form of agreement for air routes and services included in the Final Act of the International Civil Aviation Conference signed at Chicago on December 7, 1944. ARTICLE 1 The contracting parties grant the rights specified in the Annex hereto necessary for establishing the international civil air routes and services therein described, whether such services be inaugurated immediately or at a later date at the option of the contracting party to whom the rights are granted. ARTICLE 2 (a) Each of the air services so described shall be placed in operation as soon as the contracting party to whom the rights have been granted by Article 1 to designate an airline or airlines for the route concerned has authorized an airline for such route, and the contracting party granting the rights shall, subject to Article 6 hereof, be bound to give 1658