Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1005

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T‘»VEN'lYY-SE`VEN TH CONGRESS. Sxcss. III. Ch. 175, 176, 177. 1843. 905 Snrurs III. Cru?. CLXXV.—.ln Act for the relief of Jeremiah Kimball. March 3, 1843. Be it enacted, ¤$·c., That the Secretary of War is hereby directed to restore the name Of Jeremiah Kimball, of Watertoxvn, in the state of To b¢_r¤¤l¤r‘¢d New York, to the roll of invalid pensioners, and to pay him, during his °° p°"S"m mu' natural life, a pension of five dollars and thirty-three and a third cents per month; commencing on the second day of August, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine. Arr·n0v1:1>, March 3, 1843. —·-·—— STATUTE III. Crum. CLXXVI. —An .0ct for the relief of James B. Sullivan, of the county of March 3, 1843. Rapides, in the state of Louisiana. —"""""‘— Bc it enacted, <§`»·c., That James B. Sullivan be, and he is hereby, authorized and permitted to complete his purchase of lot numbered six- Anchor-ized m teen, (or purt of it, containing one hundred and Bfty-three acres and a °°'”la|°'° ‘}‘° sixtieth part of an acre,) being lot sixteen, in township numbered five {°£;°1£3 ° °°r` north of the thirty-first degree of north latitude, of range numbered three west of the basis meridian, in the south-western district of the state of Louisiana, situated in the parish of Rapides, in said state, and containing, according to the registcr’s certificate, one hundred and fifty- three acres nnd the sixteenth part of an acre, in virtue of his right of preemption, according to the act of Congress of the nineteenth of June, Act oflune 19, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, any law to the contrary 1834·°h·54- notwithstanding, which said land is hereby declared to be no part. of section sixteen, reserved for the use of schools in the congressional township in which the same is situated. Ari·nov1:¤, March 3, 1843. '""""" Srnumm III. CHAP. CLXXVIY.-—-An .0ct for the relief of the heirs or lhe assignces Hu March 3, 1g4g_ heirs, of Isaac Todd and James McGill. ——-————-———- Bc it enacted, ¤§·c., That all the right, title, interest, claim, and demand of the United States in, over, and to the following described tract Right of U. S. or parcel of land, situate, lying, and being in the state of Michigan, 2z1f:';?;] $3*:2 known as claim two hundred and seventy, as entered upon the \‘Bc0I‘dS _·[_ Mzggu, his of the land board at Detroit, under the act of twenty-sixth of March, heirs. Gm. Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and four, be, und the same is hereby, relinquished to James McGill, his heirs, and legal representatives, and to those legally holding under him or them; and all the right, Right of U.S. title, interest, claim, and demand of the United States in, over, and to the following described tracts or parcels of land situate, lying and being ;S,,a2q·0dd_ his in the state of Michigan; that is to say, those certain tracts numbere heirs, &c. two hundred and sixty-seven and two hundred and sixty-Bight, as entered on the records aforesaid, under the act aforesaid, be, and the same is hereby, relinquished to Isaac Todd, his heirs and legal representatives, and to those legally holding under him or them: Provided, That said Proviso. relinquishment on the part of the United States shall not take effect until the said James McGill and Isaac Todd, their heirs, or those holding and claiming the said land through them, for at consideration to be fixed by the valuation, upon oath, of three disinterested men, to be selected by the Secretary of War, and paid by the United States out of the sum of fifty thousand dollars appropriated by the act of September Act of Sept 9, the ninth, A. D. eighteen hundred and forty-one, entitled "An act making 1841, ch. 17. appropriations for various fortifications for ordnance, and for preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities/’ shall execute to the United States in such form and with such covenants, as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War, il good and sufficient deed to the following described 114 4 A 2