Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1014

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914 TWENTY-EIGH'1`H CONGRESS. Sess. I. C1-1.78,79,80 1544. Land patent to Campau, assignee of the children and heirs of Taw-cum-e-go·qua, (an b¤ lSS¤<‘¢d· Indian woman) a patent for section number one, of the Indian reservation at the Grand Traverse of Flint river, in the state of Michigan, which section was reserved to said Taw-cum-e-go-qua by the treaty concluded with the Chippewa Indians at Saginaw, in said state, on the twenty-fourth of September, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen: Pmvisqy Provided, That before said patent shall be issued, said Campau shall [ile, in the office of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, proof that he has purchased said land of the children and heirs of said Tawcum—e-go-qua, and that he paid therefor, at the time when said purchase was made, a fair and equitable consideration. Approved, June 15, 1844. Snrurr: I. *1* June 15, 1844. Curr-. LXXVIII.-An det for the relief of the Iegal representatives of Valentine ‘***"" Geesey, deceased. Be it enacted, eye., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is Paymentpf hereby, directed to pay to the legal representatives of Valentine Geesey,

 deceased, late of the state of Pennsylvania, the sum of two hundred and

d,,,,, 0,, C,,m_ sixty dollars and fifty cents, being the amount of debt recovered of the berland road. estate of said Valentine by a contractor for work done on the national road, while under his superintendence. Approved, June 15, 1844. S•1·A·ru·re I. —······ June 15, 1844. CHAP. LXXIX.-—An .9et for the relief of Henry Newingham. Be it enacted, dj·c., That the Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, Land warrant directed to issue to Henry Newingham, in the right of William Mar-

?n;’° ’sS“°d ’° shall, who was a private soldier in Armand’s legion of the continental

Iestablishment in the revolutionary army, a warrant for the bounty land to which the said Marshall would be entitled as such soldier; and that the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to grant scrip for said warrant, in the manner, and on the conditions heretofore prescribed for the grant of scrip for bounty land: the said Marshall having intermarried with the mother of said N ewingham, and died without lineal heirs: and having in his life-time been supported by the said Newingham, and in consideration thereof, before his death, delivered to him his original certificate of discharge from the army, and declared his intention that the said Newingharn should have the benefit of said bounty land : Propmv;S0_ vided, That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prejudice the claim of any heirs, if any, of said Marshall. Approved, June 15, 1844. Srxrur: I. —··— June 15, 1844. CHAP. LXXX.——-An dot to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to grant a """"" register to the British boat therein mentioned. Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is Aregister to hereby authorized, under such regulations as he shall prescribe, to cause €g;3‘f’§;g(;l:v° a register to be issued to the boat, or vessel “A. Bartow," a British boat ` lately belonging to the British barque “Glengary," which was wrecked in the mouth of the Savannah river, in the state of Georgia, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, her long-boat having been saved in a damaged state, and subsequently purchased and repaired by S. B. Hill, A. Bartow, and James Kennedy, citizens of the United States Provisc. to whom she now belongs 1 Provided, It shall be proved, to the satisfaction of the said Secretary of the Treasury, that the cost of the repairs made in the United States, after the purchase of the said vessel, or boat, by the present owners, exceeds three-fourths of the original cost of building a vessel of the same tonnage in the United States. Approved, June 15, 1844.