Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1046

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946 INDEX. Accounts. Accounts. The account of John Brown and Company The accounts of James Ritchie, as hospital to be settled, ---·- 770 surgeon, to be settled, - · · 934 The accounts of John L. M’Carty to be cre- The accounts of James M’Fv.r1une, as hosdited with fees for services under th; pital surgeon at New Orleans, to be settled, Cherokee treat , ---- 79 935 The accounts ofyJamison and Williams for The accounts of Mrs. Mary W. Thompson, services to be paid out of funds of the Post; goat services ofQlColc;nel A. R. Thompson, to office de artment, ---- 79 audited an sctt cd, - - - 942 The accouiits of'Willi¤m P. Rathbone, as pay- Purser D. M. F. Thornton to be allowed for master and collector, to be settled, 821 injury to purser’s stores in the settlement The account of Aaron Vail, late Consuggg Roflhis accounts, .6 EF . é 942 L’Orient, to be settled, - - . eso ution for the bene t 0 r:-mcis locum Money to be refunded to Clark Woodroofl] , and her children and grandchildren of the paid by him for land on Pearl River, [ogg V Miami tribe of Indians, - . - 942 smna, -.---- . John P. Campbell to be allowed v. certain V Al°‘""d""’ _ _ credit, _____ 844 l The Levy Court an ·Al€X¤DdflB. may erect a. The account of Edwin H. Childers, as u payé l °°“Yl¤h0¤5° wd JM], &·<>· - - · 202 master, to be settled, - - · S4 . . The accounts of Alexander Hammett to be `_ Appuhmlum of Pwd8S' , mmm, ______ 850 Morris Qoldsmrth and Anthony Roderick, to The mama.; of Mmm G. cum to be ser, * be Pmd M ¤v¤¤¤h¢¤<*¤¤¤ v¤¤¤*¤¤· - 308 tled .- 852 . The accounts of Francis Newman, as col- B“h""°"· lector of taxes in Maryland, to be settled, Owners of vessels sunk .in the defence of 852 Baltimore to be pard a Just and reasonable The accounts of David Gol on, formerly col- compensation for them, - - . 265 lcctor of New York, to be settled, . 854 C0¤Btru¤tion of the Act of April 26, 1822, The accounts of Joseph F. Caldwell, for cur. t _ _ 273 y-ying the mailigq bg settled, - - 86] I The representatives of lohn S. Stiles to be The accounts of the Springfield Mahufactur- [mid for vessels sunk in defence of Begg; ing Company, for musket-barrc s, to be more, - . settled, .. 863 Mayor and Council of Baltimore to be paid Charles H. Hammond and Augustus H. Ke- I for money expended in defence of Baltimm permitted to open a judgment against ; more during the late war, - . 411 them, as securities of Solomon D. Benton, Value of certain vessels used for the defence postmaster at Milledgeville, Georgia, 864 1 of Baltimore to be paid, - · - 447 The accounts of George Wlritman to be ex- The memorials for compensation for vessels amined as a contractor on the mail route destroyed iiln the die-fines of Baltimoreé; from Mobile to New Orleans, · - 876> €¤'€ to C ¤ lil' U UGH - · The Postmaster-General to settle the accounts , { · · · of Patton Pilchcr and Company, . 877 r Banlghn Fm Diitnydd C1"? bw'1 1822 243 The accounts of Captain Samuel Shannon, Tim- mts ilk? Sgsunltgsgmw ’ d ij h the assistant puymaster of the army, to be :8 ucfzh Gy. ’B kJ? Exten t B c "` examined and settled according to princi- i tcl: d t cth mlm an ° °°rg°t°W°*8%xé ples of justice, and reported to Congress, 880 cn ° ° 8m* ' Certain credits to be entered to the account I Battery in the City of New York. agalnst J·J“°kS°“• d°°°“S°d•' 881 1 The tract of land on or near the west head 'l`l¤<= =¤¤<=¤¤¤* of S¤m¤·=l H=·*1gbl·=*¤¤· ¤= vm-Q Orme amy, New Yarra bmmmgca Sigiaé the navy-yard at ensacola, t08g;: D to the city of New York, _ _ . 63 The accounts of certain companies of Michi. Bond cancelled. 97111 1Hlliil<li0_l>0 ¤0lll0fl, _ - - 885 Bond of Perley Keyes and Jason Fairbanks, The representatives ofW1ll1a.m S. Evelcth to as gurgtigs of Samuel Whgttlcscy, to bc bc allowed a credit, and amount due to be cancelled, ___,_ 255 uid, . ----- 892 Iogcph R. Chandler to be credited with cer. BW"? Land' _ min payments on a. judgment, - 893 A warrant for bounty land to issue to Sarah The representatives of Robert T. Spence to Drew, m right of John Drew, . - 23b be allowed a credit in his accounts, 900 A warrant for bounty land to be issucd to the Garret Vleit’s account for certain surveys to mother of George Braden, who dicd of his be audited, - ·--- 903 V wounds rcccivcd in the late war, - 241 The accounts of Daniel G. Skinner, of Ala- A warrant for bounty land to be issued to bama, to be settled, · · - 913 Margaret Perry, the mother of William The accounts of William P. Duval, the super. Valliunt, · 255 intendnnt of Indian uifairs in Florida, tol Warrant For bounty land to issue to Peggy be scttlcd, . ·--- 925 Mcllcn for land to which Alford Stebbins An allowance to be made to William P. _ was entitled, . 263 Zzmtzinger for purscr's stores thrown ovcr- ° A warrant for bounty land to issue to Sally board, ..-- - 933 Vance, the mother of Thaddeus Carhy 278