Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1048

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948 INDEX. City of Washington. Claim:. John Law and Jonathan Elliot allowed time Three thousand five hundred dollars to bc to comply with building rcgulations in the paid to John Dillon, rcccivcd from the concity of Washington, . -. - 244 dcmnatiou of the schooner Rochelle, 212 Lots grzmtcd to curtain corporations to be Claim of Mudamc Poidcvin to be allowed, Reed from taxes for Eve years, unless sold, 212 512 Claim of Benjamin Bcrry, for bringing cor- Public rescrvation murkcd No. 8, to be cu- tain property from the wreck of tho British closed and improved, - . - 512 ship Diligont, to be scttlcd, . - 213 _ John Work to be paid for provisions and for- Clmms. age furnished to Kentucky militia, 214 Payment to John McCord in full of all i Money rcocived from the condcmnation of claims, --.-·- 2 · the ship Edward, to be rcfundcd to Jona- Claim of John B. Cutting, - - - 10 than Amory, ----· 214 Claim of Samucl Prioleuu to be scttlcd, 18 Thomas B. Fnrish to be paid $149.60, 218 Gilbert C. Russell to be paid for expenditures, Samuel F. Hooker to be paid $785, - 218 &.c. for the United States, - - 61 Benjamin Pool to have refunded the amount Hamct Carumalli; temporary rclicf gruutcd , ofa judgment rccovcrcd against him, 223 to him, .- 62 A. Kinslcy, T. French, and C. S. Leonard, to Robert Robinson to be paid for services us be paid for arms manufactured, - 223 clerk, - · - - · - - 94i Henry Davis tobc paid $40.70, - - 223 P. C. L’Enfant to be paid for laying out the Thomas Griffin, administrator of William plan of the city of Washington, - 94 Morgan, to be paid for certain bills drawn The claim of Aaron Grecly to be settled, by Gcncral Armstrong, - - - 224 107 Five thousand dollars of the claims of Tho- Charles Minilic to be paid for masts, 108 mus Hull Jervcy, on account of the con- Thomn F. Roddick to be paid for services damnation of certain vessels, to be paid, as clerk, . ··.·- 108 224 Lcwis Clmchcric to be paid for services ss ‘ Harold Smith to be allowed n credit for tho translator, ..-· — 118 payment to troops of the U. S. . 230 George Lyon to be paid for services as clerk, Matthew Barrow to be paid for expenses of 125 dciimding a suit against him for goods im- Riohard Dalo to be allowed for sca stores, 127 pressed for tho United States, - - 237 Tho claim of Snltus, Son and Company, of Mary Cassin, widow of Patrick Ca in, to bc New York,to be exnmincd and settled, 148 I paid for money advanced for the United Uriah Coolidge and James Burnham to bo; States, ------ 238 paid oxpcnscs incurred in behalf of wound-Claims of the heirs, &.c., of Nicholas Vrco. cd scamcn, ---·- 149 land, to be settled, ---- 238 The claim of Thomas Sprigg, for destruction Accounts of Robert Swartwout for loss on the of ropcwalk, to be scttlcd, - - 155 salc of treasury notes, to be scttlcd, - 239 Workinen at the nuvy-yard to be paid for John Harding and others to be paid Ear dotools destroyed by fire, - - - 155 I tention of boats by order of Major-Gcncrsl The claim of John T. Wirt, assistant deputy I Thomas, -—·-- 239 quartcrmuster-general, to be settled, 160 ¤ David Henley, ugcnt of Edward Fox, to be The claim of Aloxandcr Roxburgh, on ¤. final i paid for muskcts impressed into the service scttlcment certificate, to be paid, · 167 of the United States, - - - 240 The claim of John Crosby and John Crosby, The udministratrix of John Clark to be paid junior, for property destroyed in tho town _ the amount of a bill ofexchange drawn by of Hampden, Massachusetts, to be settled, tho Minister of the United States in F razéco, 167 47 Taylor and M'Neal and others to be paid for Claim of Richard S. llackley for expenses in their scows uscd in the dclisncc of Balti-_ tho cusc of the ship Vigilaut, to be paid, more, .·---- 172 , 251 Peter Audrain to be paid for services as clerk, § Ambrose Vasse to be paid the amount of tho &.c. . . - . - - 180 l award in the casc of the ship Olivc Branch, Mudamc Montricul to be paid for property] 251 destroyod, ..--· 187 l Claim of Nathaniel Allan for moneys dis. Tho claim of W illinm Chism, for advances burscd for the public service, to be paid, for shoeing horses, to be scttlcd, - 188 261 The claims of Francis Cuzcau, latc mcrcliant I John Wcbstcr to be paid his claim, - 261 at Montresl, to be scttlcd, - - 191 ; John Guthry’s represcntntives to be paid the James Villcrc to be paid for ccrtain claims, l amount of a final scttlement certificate and 192 intcrost, - . 269 Claim of Winslow and Henry Lcwis, for John Gooding and James Williaiiis to be paid moncy depositcd in tho hands of M. M. a bounty for prisoncrs taken, - - 274 Noah, for the ransom of American prison- Claim of Samuel F. Hooker against the navy ers ut Algiers, to be scttlcd, - - 198 department, to be settled, · - 281 Claim of ary Sullivan, thr tobacco, to be Claims of the represcntatives of Comfort scttlcd, -·---- 209 Sands to be allowed,· . · 287 Claim of John B. Dubnoy, consul for the Brintncl Robbins to be paid his claim for Azoros, for moncy advuuccd,to be paid, 2l1 boats built for the United Statcs, . 291