Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1071

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INDEX. 971 Military Service:. Money recovered from a Mail Robber. the battle of Brandywine, to receive five Samuel D. Rose and others to be paid money years' full pay of a. captain of infantry recovered ii· robber, - - 884 during the revolution, - . . 731 The representatives ofWhart0n Quarles to be M""'!} L"' W Rowdpaid the balance of a judgment for mili. William D. Ewing to be allowed a creditjbr tary services in the second state regiment moncyilcst by robbery, . . - 352 of the Virginia line, - - . 732 Henry alcolm to be credited with $1000, Seven years’ halfipay as a lieutenant of in. collected by him, and lost in transmission fantry to be paid on account of the revolu. to New York, ----- 184 tionary services of John M’Clclland, de. Jamcs H. Clark to be allowed in the settleceased, -·.-.. 735 ment of his accounts for money robbed The representatives of Timothy Feely, late from him at Marseilles, - - - 286 a lieutenant in the Virginia line, to be al. Money stolen fiom John C. Reynolds, late lowed five years' full pay as a lieutenant, disbursing agent of the Indian Department, 738 to be refunded, 852 The representatives of Daniel Williams, late Money robbed from Richard Smyth, a cola. lieutenant in the army of the revolution, l¤¤t01‘ 0l`dl1‘¤¤l thXGB, to be Gfvdllvd to him, and the representatives of William B. 253 Bunting and Thomas II. Boylcs, lute a Naturalization. m¤j¤r ¤f ¤¤f¤¤lry. fn rcqeiyc halimy. 738 The rewrd of the naturalization of Dr. J. C TM <»¤i<=<>r¤ M4 ¤<>¤—¤¤m¤¤5¤¤¤s¤¤¤•=d ¤iii<=¤¤ ¤f whim or Baltimore, to be corrected, 750 the second brigade Florida mi1itia.,1n 1835,' to be paid, ----- 760 NW9- Dr. John M. Foltz to be allowed certain pay, Richard Dalc to be paid for sea. stores fur- G G 766 nished, ·. 127 S cer . ist allowed {br services as actin phldutenant on board the irigate Guerrierg N"? Pm""' Fund- 772 Commissions allowed to John H. Maguire for A. J. Picket and George W. Gayle, aidsAe- investments of the Navy Pension Fund, 561 camp to C. C. Clay, late Governor of Ala,. _ bama, allowed certain pay and emoluments, Nam; S""““· 776 Sum to be paid to Peter Landais, · 61 John Vannettin and his company of the Ohio A\lg‘\1§l-in Scrry to be allowed pay us it boutmilitia to be paid for their services, - 777 8W11n, ------ 79 James H. Grant and others, privatcs in Cap. A d01mi10B in James IJ6V13B for the cupturv tain Ayres Mnupin’s company ofvolunteer , of i-he ¤¤h00¤<¤’ S¤¤i·€¢. - - - 166 [0 be paid fbi- [hgh- gcyvicgg, . . J01lIl Rogers and others to be fo\‘ u19i!' The representatives or John Levncher dc v¤!<>¤r in capturing ¤ British ¤¤id¤hip¤¤¤¤ Van Brun to be paid seven’ halflpny wd two S<=¤m€¤. - - - 170 of a. lieutenant in the revolutionary war in Mcdnls to be prvscnwd to C¤Pi¤l¤ ·l¤¤°¤ the Maryland line, 785 Stewart and the officers of the Constitution, Three companies of militia of Indiana called EF the ¤¤Pl\1¥¤ of the BPM5h VGBMIH of W¤|’• into the service of the United States to be the CYMW wd L¤V¤·¤t» - - _ · 181 paid, ., 789 Medals to be presented to Captam James Andrew Rcmbert allowed pay and omolu. Blddlv ¤¤d UW 0Hi<=¢1‘¤ 9[ uw H¤!’¤¤*» fm' ments as first. sergeant in Capt. Broadnax’s U15 ¢¤¤;P¢\¤1‘0 of the Bflhsll ¤l00P·0£W¤·! company in the late Creek war, - 789 I{¢¤§¤¤¤» - -_ - - _ - 181 The amount due the late Lieutenant-Colonel Relic? granted *0 W6 W1d0W ¤·¤d ¤h¤ld¤’°¤ °f A. R. Thompson, and also the value of any Abmlllm OWEH. ---- l96 horse or horses of his, to be paid, . 806 i Wrdvwe and ¤rph=~¤¤ of ¤¤i¤•=r= md ¤<=¤¤¤q¤ Leonard Smith lllqwgd the Pay of u Haute, . lost in the Epcrvier to be allowed six ming, __,_,, 8]]months' pay, -·.-- 188 The miiiguy lciyiccs (if Thgmag G_ Pretty, An act for the relief of the family of the man to be Paid fur, ,._, 355_ late Oliver Hazard Perry, - - 260 Allowance for the military services of Lieu- M81W6th0n T¤7l¤F W00l$€.Y» °¤€·l·hll'd °fm’ tenant-Colonel Thompson in the service P¤.Y its K °**Pl¤l¤ ln me mV)' *0 be *°¤’·l“°d• of the Unifgd Sums, , . , . 869 until arrears due by him to the United Benjamin J. Totten to be paid for his services SVN0S Shall bv P¤¤d» - - · 633 as an acting liguignunt in [hg navy, M&[lhCW C. P€l`I`y, H: IHZLSlL8l' C0mm8;DdD·Dt IH. Jo}", ])i-ysdnic gi, bg Paid fm- his services in _ the navy, to be pmd for extra services, 618 the Fioi-ida militia, _.__ 393 E. R. Shubrick, a. muster commzmdant in the l navy, to be paid for extra services, · 618 Miggkgippi Sigel;. ‘ ( Charles Rockwell allowed the pay of a chap· . . I lain in the navy, ...- 791 C°mH°°t° °f Mmsmllppl °t°°k l‘° b° '"“°d James H. Chcears allowed compensation u l° dw '°P'°'°“w·"°“ °f G°°"€° P°’·";°6‘é _ an assistant surgeon in the navy, . 793 Mobile. l New England Mississippi Land Company. Title to u lot of round in Mobile confirmedA certificate to be issued to Jane Moran, adto William Poll¤.rd’s heirs, . - 680 l ministrator of Jacob Mitchell, - · 293