Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/172

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72 TENTH CONGRESS. S1:ss.I. Ch. 36, 45, 49. 1808. Sr.u·rU·r1·: I. May 18, 1g0g_ Crue. XXXVI.—-.011 dot granting William Wells the right of pre-emptirm. ____-' Be it enacted, rfc., That William Wells shall have the right of prep,.c,cmp,,c,, emption to three hundred and twenty acres of land, to include his im. right robe provements situate at Fort Wayne, in the Indiana Territory, at the €""“°d· confluence of the rivers Saint Joseph’s and St. Mary’s, which form the Miami of the lake; the boundaries of which shall be designated under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury; which tract of land shall be granted to him at the same price, and on the same terms for which other public lands are sold at private sale, and the respective instalments of the purchase-money shall become due at the same time with those of the first public lands which may be sold in the tract of six miles square, ceded by the treaty of Greenville to the United States, at the confluence of said rivers. Ammovmn, March 18, 1808. Summa I. ""'**‘ Amt; 1g_ 1g0g_ CHAP. XLV.-An Jlctfar the relief of the legal representatives of Thomas Barclay, ·······‘_"‘ decease . Be it enacted, &c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury Accounts tc be, and they are hereby authorized to liquidate and settle the account be settled. of Thomas Barclay, deceased, and that they allow for his services, while he acted as vice consul in France, a salary at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum: and that while he acted as consul, commercial agent, commissioner of public accounts in Europe, and was engaged in negotiating the treaty concluded with the emperor of Morocco, in one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, they allow a salary at the rate of three thousand three hundred and thirty-three and 0ne~third dollars per annum, exclusive of his expenses; and that in the adjustment of his account with the public, which originated in consequence of his second mission, they credit him with the amount of goods purchased to take with him to Morocco, according to the letters of David Humphreys, Esq. (formerly minister from the United States to the court of Spain), to the Secretary of State, and the invoices and memorandums transmitted by that minister to the government; and that they pay the balance, with interest, to the legal representatives of the said Thomas Barclay, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Armtovuv, April 18, 1808. Sryrurs I. Ami, 2,, 1H0B_ Gnu. XLIX.·-——An Act for the relief of Matthew Smith and Darius Gates, jointly, —-—--- and Darius Gates, separately. Be it enacted, &·c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury Im, accom, be, and they are hereby authorized to liquidate and settle the account or Matthew of Matthew Smith and Darius Gates, and that they allow them the

$26 gt principal sum of money paid to the United States for two tracts of land

wud_ ° ° lying in the town of East Huddam, in the State of Connecticut, purchased by the said Matthew Smith and Darius Gates, jointly, of the United States, through the marshal of the district of Connecticut, who was fully authorized to sell the same, and from which lands the said purchasers were regularly evicted by due course of law, together with the. amount of costs by them expended in defending the titles of the United States to said lands, with interest on the whole sum that may appear to be due. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the aforesaid accounting oil S¤P¤¤?%¤¢; Hcers be, and they are hereby authorized to liquidate and settle the aclgxgzllo b:"°° count of Darius Gates, and allow him the principal sum of money paid amiga_ to the United States for two tracts of land lying in the aforesaid town