Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/222

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122 THIRTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess.I. Ch.32,34,38. 1813. Sryrurz I. July 28, 18i3_ CHA?. XXXII. -—.r2n Act for the relief of Thomas Denny, May ,m,ih,m_ Be it enacted, &c., That Thomas Denny, who imported and intro. selfof the bene- duced into the United States from the dependencies of the United King- QS °f¤°*°f2,'{‘*h dom of Great Britain and Ireland, aquantity of card wire, part whereof B;})' 1813’ °has been so introduced since the twenty~seventh day of February last past, shall be entitled to, and may avail himself of, all the benefits, privileges, and provisions of the act, entitled "An act directing the Secretary of the Treasury to remit certain fines, penalties, and forfeitures, therein mentioned," passed on the said twenty-seventh day of February, in like manner and under the same conditions as though the same card wire had been introduced into the United States prior to the passing of the act aforesaid. Approved, July 28, 1813. Srzrrurs I. Jniy gg, igi3_ CHAP. XXXIV.-An act for the relief ry" the owners of the slums called the Good -———-——————— Friends, the Amazon, and the Unzlecl States, and their cargoes; and also of Henry Bryce. Qwnernofw-. Be it enacted, &·c., That the owners of the ships called the Good ¢¤i=»¤hiP¤ ¤¤ti· Friends, the Amazon, and the United States, and of the cargoes on gf:,:?:,t';;’;;°' board said vessels, which vessels arrived in the month of April, one of remission_ thousand eight hundred and twelve, in the District of Delaware from Amelia Island, with cargoes that were shipped on board said vessels in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, shall be entitled to, and may avail themselves of all the benefits, privileges, and provisions Act of Jan. 2, of the act, entitled "An act directing the Secretary of the Treasury to 1813***- 7- remit fines, forfeitures, and penalties, in certain cases," passed on the second day of January last past, in like manner and on the same conditions as though said vessels had departed from the kingdom aforesaid between the twenty-third day of June and the fifteenth day of September mentioned in said act, and had arrived within the United States after the first day of July last. Henry Biynn Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Henry Bryce of Charleston, entitled to the South Carolina, who imported certain goods, wares, and merchandise, ”“‘“° b““°F“· in the ship Fcrnandina, into the district of South Carolina from Amelia Island, in the month of May, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, shall be entitled to, and may avail himself of all the benefits, privileges, Actvf Jim. 2, and provisions of the act, entitled "An act directing the Secretary of 1813* °h·7‘ the Treasury to remit fines, forfeitures, and penalties, in certain cases," passed on the second day of January last past, in like manner and on the same conditions as though the said vessel had departed from the kingdom of Great Britain between the twenty-third day of June and the fifteenth day of September, mentioned in said act, and had arrived within the United States after the first day of July last. Approved, July 29, 1813. Snrvra 1. Aug 2, ]3]3_ CHAP. XXXVIII. -— dn .0ct concerning Invalid Pensioners. Snnmn, ni Be it enacted, dw., That the Secretary of War be, and he hereby is Warm plies directed to place the following named persons on the pension list of g;';*,Q;‘ii’;';‘;,“°’ invalid pensioners of the United States, who shall be entitled to and invalid pension, receive pensions according to the rates, and commencing at the times ers at certain herein mentioned, that is to say: 'i‘}§;,Omr_ and Benjamin Randall, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence than mins_` on the eleventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. George Hill, at the rate of three dollars and twenty-five cents per