Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/247

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THIRTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess.1II. Ch. 30, 36, 37, 42. 1815. 147 Srnora III. Gun. XXX.-·An Act for the relief of James Brahany. Feb 2_ 1815_ Be it enacted, &c., That James Brahany, of the city of Baltimore, W now and for a long time past, confined in jail, at the suit of the United ,:,.E;°,};;§.,;,,,_ States, for the penalty incurred for selling spirituous liquor without ment. license, which he is wholly unable to pay, be henceforth discharged, and remain free from imprisonment and arrest, for and on account of the said penalty, and the judgment, suit, costs and charges, touching the same: Provided always, That all property which the said James Brahany may now have, or hereafter may have or acquire, shall be and remain liable for the payment of the said penalty, thejudguient, charges and costs of suit thereon, in the same manner as if this act had never been passed. Avrnoven, February 2, 1815. -—·——— Srsrun III. CHAP. XXXVI.—An Act to extend the time of Oliver Evans’s patent for his im- Feb. 7, 1815. provement on steam engines. W Be it enacted, &c., That all the rights and privileges of Oliver Patent rgb: Evans, under a patent issued from the department of state, on the four- °’“°“d°d °' teenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and four, for his °°v°m YW"' improvements on steam engines, be, ami hereby are, extended to the said Oliver Evans, his heirs, administrators or assigns, for and during the term of seven years, to commence from, and immediately after, the expiration of the term of fourteen years, granted by said patent as aforesaid; subject to all the provisions of the act, entitled "An act to pro- 2iAiE7;gF*Lb· I mote the progress of the useful arts, and to repeal the act heretofore ’ ’° '1 ' made for that purpose," excepting so far as regards the extension of the term of his said patent herein authorized: Provided, That it shall not be lawful for the said Oliver Evans, his heirs, administrators or assigns, to charge or receive from any person or persons a greater sum for the privilege of constructing or using his said improvements on steam engines, during the term for which his said patent is hereby extended, than he has hitherto charged and received for a like privilege under his said patent as now in force. Approved, February 7, 1815. ";‘ Sncrvr-s III. CHAP. XXXVII.—An Act concerning Weston Jenkins, and others. Fgb_ 7, |3i5_ Be it enacted, e§·c., That the judge of the district court for the State 1),8;,;},,,,;,,,, of of Massachusetts be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to dis- prweedsamong tribute among Weston Jenkins, his officers and crew, of the sloop Two ‘h°‘“‘ Friends, which captured the British private armed schooner Retaliation, in the month of October last, the proceeds arising from the said capture, which are held to the United States as droits of admiralty; and that the said distribution be made by the said judge, agreeably to the laws of the United States relative to captures made by the private armed ships of the United States. Arumovsn, February 7, 1815. -———- Srarurs III. CHAP. XLII.—-dn Act for the relief of Benjamin FV2lb, and others. Feb. 13, 1815. Be it enacted, ry-e., That the person authorized to transact the busi- A,,,,,,,,,,,, 0; ness of the late supervisor of the revenue in the state of Pennsylvania, collectors to be be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to revise the accounts of ’°“S°d· Benjamin Wells, John Wells, William Erving, James Brice; John Webster, and Joseph J unkin, late collectors of internal duties in the State aforesaid, and to audit and settle the same, admitting on sufficient evi-