Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/274

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174 FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 147, 148, 156. 1816. judgment or judgments obtained thereon, on the payment of costs by the representative or representatives of the said Caspar C. Schutte. Approved, April 29, 1816. S·u·ru·r·¤ I. W April 29, 1816. CHAP. CXLVII.—·An. .0ct for the relief of Moses Turner. To be dw Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he charged from hereby is authorized and directed to cause to be discharged from imimprisvnwent- prisonment, Moses Turner of Poultney, in the State of Vermont, who is now confined in jail on final process, issued on a judgment in favor of the United States, against him, said Moses, and Nathaniel Taft; and that the said Moses be, and hereby is released and discharged from the payment of the balance due on said judgment, upon the pay- ment of all costs and marshal’s fees, due for his, said Moses’ commitment : Provided always, That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to affect or discharge the said Nathaniel '1‘aft, or any co-obligator, from the payment of any sum or sums of money due thereon to the United States. Approved, April 29, 1816. S·r.u·u·rr 1. April 29, 1810 Crur. CXLV111.-3-zdézmzlgtj:g;lt;a;"c:Z§f;£d£;;:idJSp;€j):, Samuel and William _ Be it enacted, Qc, That the collector of the customs for the city of tfggigzejjlgjis New York be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to cancel a bond executed by Hicks, Jenkins, and company, of the city of New York, to secure the payment of duties on the importation into the port of New York, in the British brig Rolla, towards the close of the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, of twenty-three casks of whale oil, the proceeds of American fishing, the property of David Collin Samuel and William Rodman, and Samuel Rodman, junior, which said twenty-three casks of whale oil had been put ou board the brig Rolla at sea, from the ship Phebe Anne, belonging to the said David Cozin, Samuekand léVéilljz§m6Rodinan, and Samuel Rodman, junior. rrnovmn, pril , 1 . Srnurn I. _ _ _ _ _ Arm 29.1816- C""" Cm‘“””i£$f.’°'Z§`..Zl€.Z.${‘Z.’€tf m'.?.'? $T“}'$’Z’iZ’l;.l;CT"l’"°k B“”’ W"' lr_;;,;,,, ogwir, Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the proper accounting officers of the treal:°¤rg°Cr¤v5f¤gd sury be, and they are hereby authorized and required to allow and pay °°t ° ‘ to William Crawford, commissioner of land claims east of Pearl river, the sum of five hundred dollars, for carrying his report upon land claims to the general land office at the city of Washington. 0,- Fredemk Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the accounting officers of Bates. the treasury be, and they are hereby authorized and required to allow gpd pay to l1*`reder1cj:HBate]s, recorder of land titles for the territory of issouri, the sum o ve undred dollars, for carrying his report uron land claims to the general land office at the city of Washington. J G0? Vl§lli¤¤¤ Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the accounting officers of ""“' ‘ the treasury be,. and they are hereby authorized and required to allow and pay to William Gerrard, commissioner of land claims for the west- 0,- Thcmu B_ ern district of the State of Louisiana, and to Thomas Bolling Robert- Robertson. son, commissioner of land claims for the eastern district of Louisiana, the sum of five hundred dollars each, for carrying the reports upon _ _ land claims to the general land office at the city of Washiiigttvn. APP"°P"*°*'°”· Sec. 4. And be it farther enacted, That a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, for the pur-