Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/391

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EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 7,8, 10, 11, 12. 1824. 291 Szurvrn I. C1-AP. VII.-an Act for the relief of Jeremiah Manning, of New Jersey, J an. 7, 1824. Be it enacted, ¢.§~c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury department be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Payment to Jeremiah Manning, the sum of one hundred and fourteen dollars, in hi"‘· full for a quantity of hay, furnished during the late war, to the troops in service of the United States, and that the same be paid out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Aeprtovnn, January 7, 1824. ""; Srnnrs I. Crnua VIII. —An Act for the relief of Loudon Case. jam 7, ;g24_ Be it enacted, <§~c., That there be paid to Loudon Case, or his legal representative, out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appro- Payment ,0 priated, the sum of ninety-two dollars, the value of a yoke of oxen, im- him or his legal pressed into the service of the United States, in the fall of the year one "°P'”°***P'l"° thousand eight hundred and thirteen. f1;;;?:," ""' Aennovnn, January 7, 1824. P ` __, Sururn 1. CHA?. X.--An Jctfzr the relief of Willz`am Bartlett and John Stearns, owners of Jun- wv 1824- the schooner Angler, and Nathaniel Carver, owner of the schooner Harmony, TTT antl others. Be it enacted, dw., That the Collector for the District of Plymouth, in the state of Massachusetts, be, and he is hereby, directed to pay to (joilccrm- to William Bartlett and John Stearns, owners of a fishing schooner called my them *h¤ Angler, of seventy-two tons and fifty-one ninety-fifths of a ton; and to :,T,§;‘im,;€,6Sh_ Nathaniel Carver, owner of a fishing vessel called the Harmony, of sev- ing vessels enty-nine tons; and to the persons composing the crews of the said ves- Wwld hévé sels, the amount of the allowance to which said vessels would have been E5;" °m"l°d’ entitled, had they returned into port, after completing their fishing terms, l to be distributed according to law. Approved, January 19, 1824. """ Surura I. CHAP. XI.-./7n Act for the reliq" of certain Dis/i/ters within the county of Berks, Jan. 19, 1824. in the state of Pennsylvania. "_"";‘ Be it enacted, dw., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to refund, out of any money in the Secretary of treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the distillers of spirituous liquors ihé ¤¢¤S¤¤‘Y_¢0 within the county of Berks, in the state of Pennsylvania, who, at any gjllggpiiéllg; time since the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and [ham, mspecfourteen, have used stills made according to Henry Whitmer’s improve- lively- ment upon Anderson’s condensing tub, and who have paid a duty upon the capacity of the globes of such stills, all such sums of money as they may have paid, respectively, as a duty on the capacity of the globes of their said stills. Aernovnn, January 19, 1824. ‘*·— STATUTE I. CHAP. XII. —.x2n Act for the relief of Brintnel Robbins. _],m_ 19, mp4_ Be it enacted, Src., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury department settle and adjust the claim of Brintnel Robbins, for sundry Claim to be boats, not exceeding eleven in number, built by him for the United adjlyledbfoi States, in the spring and summer of the year one thousand eight hun- ;‘;?,,rg'y Qgnsfor dred and thirteen, at Cleveland, in the state of Ohio, under a contract the U, States. with Thomas S. J esup, agent for the United States, as he shall satisfac- ‘ torily prove to have been lost, in consequence of a storm, when said