Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/488

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388 TWENTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 139, 140, 141, 142. 1828. States and the Cherokee nation of Indians, made on the twenty-seventh day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. Ayrnovan, May 24, 1828. Srarurm I. ··—···‘ Mw Mr 1828- Cru?. CXXXIX.—.r?n Act for the relief ty" ./Slbruham C. Truaa:. Accounts to be Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the proper accounting officers of the trea- ¤°*'¤l€d» 5*** PW sury department be, and are hereby, authorized and directed to settle me m °‘ and adjust the accounts of Abraham C. Truax, of the township of Monguagon, in the territory of Michigan, as well those of which he is possessed by purchase, as those which he holds in his own right, as original claimant, upon the principles of equity and justice; and that the sums found due be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Before any Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That before any money shall be ¤*;‘;§°{:$*lh2° paid to said Abraham Truax, on accounts assigned to lnm, he shall $,,1, e,,,,,} bond enter a bond to the United States, with sureties, to the acceptance of to the U- S. &¤· the Secretary of the Treasury, which shall be lodged with him, in double the amount of such accounts so allowed at the treasury department, with condition to pay over the amount thereof with interest to the original claimants of such accounts, on making proper proof that they are entitled thereto. Approved, May 24, 1828. S·ra·rv·r1: I. ———— May 2401828- Crnr. CXL.——An Act for the relief of Caleb Stark. To be Page his Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized

°;_¤¤¤¤Y’¤i°¤1_*`°¥ and directed to pay to Caleb Stark, out of any money in the treasury

,2,,,,gaY W"` not otherwise appropriated, the amount of his commutation for haltipay as a lieutenant in the army of the United States, on the continental es- Proviso. tablishment during the revolutionary war: Provided That no interest shall be alldwed on such commutation. i A bounty ima Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of 1Var issue

,¤zn*°h,;° to the said Caleb Stark a warrant for the land bounty to which he was

' entitled as a lieutenant in said army. Armovrzn, May 24, 1828. Sraruru I. 1* M3] M-. UW- Cnav. CXLI.—An Act for the relief of Bannister Stone. Released from Be it enacted, ¢§•c., That Bannister Stone be, and he is hereby, re-

g{,?,‘l§“,'f;:, as leased from a judgment recovered against him by the United States, in

secu.? or A, the Circuit Court for the District of South Carolina, as one of the secu- Cm · ritresbof Adam Carruth, late of South Carolina, in a contract entered into y said Carruth with the ordnance department of the United States for the manufacture and delivery of ten thousand stand of arms to thd Proviso. United States : Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to release any other person or persons than the said Bannister Stone; nor shall it be so construed as to release him from the payment of the costs of recovering said judgment. Approved, May 24, 1828. S·rn·¤r1 I. ._..

 CHAP. CXLII.-An Act for the relzqf of Philip Coombs, and others.

Allowance to Be it enacted, ey-c., That the collector of the customs for the district mh'?! “°h°°“°' of Newbur ort, in Massachusetts is hereb authorized and directed to lost t yp y a sea. . . . · pay to Philip Coombs, late owner of a fishm schooner, lost at sea called . . g 2 the John, of eighty-six tons burthen, and to the persons composing her late crew, such allowance, to be distributed according to law, as they