Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/501

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TWENTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 61,62, 63, 64. 1829. 401 nut, the sum of eighty-five dollars, the value of a horse lost by him 1’¤Y¤¤¢¤¢¥¤ while in the military service of the United States, during the late war, l'(:;‘£",h°;lf;;° by reason of his being dismounted, by order of Governor Shelby, at war. Portage river, while on an expedition to Canada. Approved, March 3, 1829. Sruuu II. Crrap. LXI.—An Act for the relief of the representatives of James .d. Harper, March 3_182g_ deceased. -—-j Be it enacted, rfc., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay, to the legal representatives of James A. Harper, deceased, out of any money Payment for not otherwise appropriated,the sum of two hundred fifty-two dollars and mvywy expendninety-three cents, for money expended by the said Harper, in the re- :gr;?c;°°’“"‘“g cruiting service of the United States during the late war, and which is ` now due to said representatives, as it appears by a statement from the treasury department. Approved, March 3, 1829. Srarumu II. CHAP. LXII.-An Act for the relief of Thomas Hunt. March 3, 1829. Be it enacted, &e., That the proper accounting officers pay unto Thomas Hunt, or his legal representatives, out of any money in the trea- Payment to sury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of five hundred and five dol- *5***885 ¤d.i¤¢¤¤¢ lars and sixty-seven cents, in full for his pay and subsistence, as an ‘ ‘ °""Y‘ adjutant, with the pay and rank of a lieutenant, from the twenty-iirst of July, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, to thirtieth April, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. Approved, March 3, 1829. Srnurs II. CnAv.LXIII.-dn Act for the relief of William R. Maddox. Mm-ch 3, 1g2q_ Be it enacted, rfc., That the proper accounting officers pay unto William R. Maddox, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise Pa ment tor appropriated, the sum of three hundred and four dollars and fifty-three bFi°lZ¤· cents, being in full for the balance of the price of sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-three bricks, delivered at the Capitol for the use of the United States, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty. Approved, March 3, 1829. Sururs II. CHAP. LXIV.-—An Act for the relirf of Joshua Foltz. Much 3, 1829- Bc it enacted, ¢§·c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury be, and they are hereby, required to settle and adjust the account of Claim as w,,_ Joshua Foltz, and to allow him for ten months’ services, as a wagoner gener in the rein the revolutionary war; to be paid out of any money in the treasury ;'(;’l,;‘;‘°“;‘iYdw“ not otherwise appropriated. SB 9 ° Avraovnn, March 3, 1829. 51 212