Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/514

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414 TWENTY-1*`IRST CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 76, 77,80, 81. 1880. Act of March of land in the Territory of Michigan/’ and designated on the plat of 3¤18°7·°h·34· survey of the United States reserve, of twelve miles square, on the Maumee of the Lake, as number five hundred and ninety-five, on their paying to the Receiver of Public Moneys in the Land Office at Detroit, the balance of the purchase money due thereon, without interest, and with the usual discount, at any time within one year after the passage Proviso. of this act: Provided, The said tract of land shall not have been sold to any other person. Armzovmn, April 23, 1830. S:u·ru·ra I. """ April 23, 1830. CHAP. LXXVI.—-An Aol for the relief of drund Rutgers, cfllfssaurtf. Be it enacted, &c., That Arund Rutgers be, and is hereby, authorized Muylocnte ¤ to locate five hundred arpents of land, upon any of the public lands in f;‘;,“"; ‘;;°;;f the state of Missouri, that are subject to private entry, upon relinquishu,,q,{,,,t£,,g,&,,,_ ing to John Welden, his heirs, or assigns, before the Recorder of land titles at St. Louis, all his right and claim to the like quantity of land, confirmed to the said John Weldon, within the boundaries of his original grant; and the Commissioner of the General Land Office, upon a duly certified copy of such relinquishment being presented to him, together with a plat and survey of said land, duly and regularly made, shall issue a patent therefor. Approved, April 23, 1830. Smrums I. April 23, 1830. Cinr. LXXVlI.—-dn Act for the relief of Luther Chapin. Be it enartul, gm., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is Puymentfor hereby, authorize to pay to Luther Chapin the sum of two thousand

,8**:,*:; ‘;l§;"°d dollars out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for

y y` his vessel, called the Cuyahoga Packet, captured by the enemy, on Lake Erie, during the late war, while in the military service of the United States. APPROVED, April 23, 1830. Srwura I. ·····-·—— April 24, 1830. CHAP. LXXX. -.4111 Alot jhr the reliq" of the widows and orplums of the of icera, ”"‘"'_°‘_`_‘ seamen, and marines, of the sloop of war Hornet. Be it enacted, rfc., That the widows, if any such there be, and in Emirled to six case there be no widow, the child or children; and if there be no child, ’”°(".h” PW m then the parent or parents; and if there be no parent then the brothers addition to . . ’ ,,mO,,,,, due 0,, and sisters of the officers, seamen, and marines, who were in the ser- 10th Sept. 1829. vice of the United States, and lost in the United States’ sloop of war Hornet, shall be entitled to, and receive, out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, a sum equal to six months’ pay of their respective deceased relatives, aforesaid, in addition to the pay due to the said deceased, on the tenth day of September last, up to which day the arrears of pay due the deceased, shall be allowed and paid by the accounting officers of the navy department. Arvnovizn, April 24, 1830. Srnura I. April 24. 1830- Cum-. LXXXI. —-/In Act for the relief of the president, directors, and company,

 "of the Ban/c of Chillicothe.

Be it enacted, Qc., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay, out of {Payment to I any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to the President,

0°a‘“,;’,§[::,;l’Y Directors, and Company, of the Bank of Chillicothe, the sum of two

thousand three hundred and sixty-two dollars eighty-five cents, the interest on certain bills, drawn on the Paymaster General, conformable to a contract, and on the Secretary of War, which were duly accepted,