Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/516

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416 TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. S8, 93, 94, 97. 1830. Surnrs I. May 5, 1830. CHAP. LXXXVIH.-—An Act to amend an act, entitled “An act for the benefit of ”""°"" the incorporated Kentucky dsylum for teaching the Deaf and Dumb," and to extend the time for selling the land granted by said uct. Be it enacted, &e., That the further time of five years, from and after Fuythardmc the fifth of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, be, and allowed for the the same is hereby, allowed the trustees of the Centre College of Kenf:L%;'f°°"““ tucky, who are also trustees of the Kentucky Asylum for teaching the ` deaf and dumb, to sell the land granted to said trustees for the use and Act of April benefit of said Asylum, by an act, entitled "An act for the benefit of 5* 1826* °h‘ 24* the incorporated Kentucky Asylum for teaching the Deaf and Dumb," passed on the fifth of April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six; and all sales under the provisions of this act, by the trustees aforesaid, or their successors in office, for use of the said Asylum, shall be good and valid to pass the title, any thing in any former law to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, May 5, 1830. Srnurs I. ""_"‘ May 10, 1830, CHAP. XCIII.-An Act for the regérf of the legal representatives of Richard ——-———-——- ppes. Be it enacted, @-0., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to the Payment for legal representatives of Richard Eppes, out of any money in the treasury, g;,°¥;’z§n;"’P““d` not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two hundred ninety-four dollars ` twenty-five cents, for that amount paid by him into the treasury, on account of clothing which was delivered to the fourth regiment of Virginia Militia, by the Quartermaster-General of the state of Virginia, and improperly debited in the account of said Eppes, Approved, May 10, 1830. Srnvrz I. -———-——- May I0, 1830. CHAP. XCIV. ——-dn ./Qctfor the relief of James Jfbbott. Be it enacted, eye., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to James Payment for Abbott, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, %"‘é°“,;:l;°“ bY the sum of seventy dollars for his fences necessarily taken by the soldiers 'ps' of the United States, stationed at Detroit, and burnt for fuel, in the winter of eighteen hundred and thirteen. Approved, May 10, 1830. Srwrurm I. ”“_°" Mny 20, r33Q_ Crux-. XCVIl.·-An Act for the relief of sundry revolutionary and other officers _‘··**····*·‘ and soldiers, and for other purposes. Be it enacted, eye., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, gecrelur of authorized and required to place the names of John L. Polleresky, a Warjo plirce major, Samuel Snow, and David Meade Randolph, captains, Sylvanus gzlmlg l°°”$’““ Wood, Samuel Gerock, William Holgate, and Nathaniel Elliot lieutepension . . , ’ im nants, and George Wunder, an ensrgn, in the revolutionary war, on the list of revolutionary pensioners, and to pay them each at the rate of twenty dollars a month, commencing on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight. To be ,,;,006 Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War be, on invalid pen- and he is hereby, authorized and required to place the names of Samuel ”‘°” l‘“‘· Hoadly, late a major, Robert Kane, an adjutant in a corps of volunteers, Zachariah S. Conger, John Downer, Stephen Shea, and Michael Fishel, lieutenants, and Henry Starring, jr. an ensign in the late war, on the list of invalid pensioners; and to pay them as follows, to wit; to Samuel Amounts of Hoadly, twelve dollars a month, to Robert Kane, eight dollars a month, ¤°¤$l°¤· to Zechariah S, Conger, fourteen dollars a month, to John Downer, fifteen dollars a month, to Stephen Shea, twenty dollars a month, to