Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/565

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TWENTY—FIRST CONGRESS. S1ass.I1. Ch. 104, 105, 106. 1831. 465 Srxrurz H. CHAP. CIV.-in dat for the bene/it of Percis Lovely, and for other purposes. March 3, 1831. Be it enacted, &e., That the tract of land not exceeding one half section, including the present residence of Mrs. Percis Lovely, in Pope Certain land county, in the Territory of Arkansas, shall be reserved by the President ¤¢¢¤¤’¢d ¤¤ heh of the United States from public sale, during the life—time of said Percis, and that she shall have the entire use and privilege ol, and possession of the said half section of land, for and during her life: Provided, Pi-oviso. That the said Percis Lovely, shall not commit, or permit any other person to commit, on said land, any voluntary waste. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Trea- Payment {0,- sury pay unto the said Percis Lovely, or her legal representative, out of ¤¢r¤¤i¤im1>r<>v¤- any money iu_ the treasury of the United States not otherwise appro- m°mS* &'°‘ priated, a sum equal to that for which her improvements upon the land secured to her by the treaty at Hiawassee, in one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, for life, were valued, and which improvements and land were taken from her by the treaty at Washingtori, of one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, with the Cherokee Indians: Provided, proviso, That before the money shal be paid the said Percis Lovely, she shall produce to the treasury department satisfactory evidence that the said sum of money has not been heretofore paid her by the Government of the United States, through the Indian department: and, Provided, also, Proviso. That the half section granted by this act, shall not interfere with, or include any lands lying within the limits of any reservation made by the last named treaty, made at Washirigton as aforesaid, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-eight. Sec. 3. And be it jerther enacted, That, for carrying into effect the Seneca. treaty. treaty concluded with the Seneca tribe of Indians at Washington, the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty- one, the sum of eleven thousand and one hundred and seventy-five dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, March 3, 1831. Sururs II. CHAP. CV.—An Act for the relief of Pl/illiam B. Matthews, trustee. March 3, 1831. Be it enacted, dw., That there shall be paid to William B. Matthews, trustee for sundry securities of Lawrence Muse, out of any money in Amount 0V5F- the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one hundred and be r°' seventy-two dollars; being the amount which the said Matthews, as trus- ` tee for the securities of the said Muse, overpaid upon a judgment against one of them. Amnzovnn, March 3, 1831. Srnurs IL CHAP. CVI.—-An Act for the relief of John Nicks. March 3, t33i_ Be it enacted, <§·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay John Nicks, of Arkansas, Payment on two thousand five hundred and sixty-two dollars and eight cents, out of ;*;°°‘:,¤& °'}P¥°‘ any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, being the amount Sm re °' of a draft, drawn by Colonel David Brearley, Indian agent for the emigrating Creeks, upon the war department, and protested for non—pay· ment. Aernoven, March 3, 183]. 59