Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/576

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476 TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 29, 30,31. 1832. Srnrucra I. Feb. 24, 1832. Cunt. XXIX.—An Act for the re/tef of W?lltam Tharp. Be it enacted, dw., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury Accountstobe be, and they are hereby, authorized and required to open and adjust °P°“°d· &*°· the accounts of William Tharp, late a suttler in the army of the United States, and allow to him interest on moneys paid and advanced by him for letters of administration on the estates of deceased non-commissioned officers and soldiers, where allowances have heretofore been made to him for debts due to him from such deceased non-commissioned officers and soldiers; and shall allow to the said Tharp, in cases where he has taken out letters of administration, the per centage allowed by the laws of Maryland on settlements made by administrators, on the several sums p,,,,,;,, settled by him as administrator: Provided, That no larger sum shall in any case be awarded to said Tharp, on account of his claims against any deceased non-commissioned officer or soldier, than appears from the muster and pay rolls to be actually and justly due to such non-commissioned officer and soldier from the United States. Appropriation. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sums awarded to the said Tharp, under the foregoing section, be paid out of any moneys in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Approved, February 24, 1832. Srnurz I. "`_""` Fcb_ 24, 1832. CHAD. XXX. -.8n Act for the relieé qptjhc representatives of Doctor Hamm -——-——-- at e . Be it enacted, &c., That the proper accounting officers pay to the Payment for legal representatives of Doctor Hanson Catlett, late of the United States’ PW wd F¤¤i<>¤¤ army, out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, °d"°°°d' the sum of six hundred and forty-five dollars, being the amount claimed by said Doctor Catlett, in his life-time, for pay and rations advanced to a hospital steward at the arsenal near Pittsburg, from the ninth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, to the ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty. Approved, February 24, 1832. Sruurz I. _.;. Feb. 24, 1832. Crm?. XXXL-.d'n .0ct for the relief of the heirs of Vlqlliam Robertson, deceased, """"""""" and Daniel S. Leonard. Rooomoo Be it enacted, <§·c., That the heirs of William Robertson, late of authorized to Madison county, Alabama, deceased, be, and they are hereby, autho-

¤¤;¤¤d,?¤i_ ¤¢;¤i· rized to surrender, in the Land Office at Huntsville, in the state aforeof§d$'°&
“ " said, the " certificate of further credit," bearing date on the seventh of

September, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, which issued to the said William Robertson, in his life-time, for the north-east quarter of section number four, in township number one, of range number two east, in the district of lands offered for salc at Huntsville; and, on the payment of the balance due, if any, under the act of Con ross, entitled "An act supplemental to an act, passed on the thirty-firstdl/[arch, eighteen hundred and thirty, entitled ‘An act for the relief of purchasers of public lands, and for the suppression of fraudulent practices at the public sales of lands of the United States} " passed on the twenty-fifth day Ac, °fFob_ of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, the said heirs of the said 25, 1831, ch.34. William Robertson, deceased, shall be entitled to a patent for the said quarter section of land, in all respects, as they would have been if said certificate had been surrendered, and such balance paid, at or before the expiration of the time limited for that purpose by the provisions of Pygvjgg, said act: Provided, Said quarter section of land shall not have been, before such surrender of said certificate, purchased by any other person; and, in that event a certificate shall issue to said heirs from said