Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/607

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TWEN'1`Y-SECOND CONGRESS. S¤ss.I. Crr.208,209,210,211. 1832. 507 Srawrz I. CHAP. CCVIII.-adn del for the relief of George E. Tingle, July 13. 1832. Be it enacted, qc., That the sum of eight hundred and eighty-three dollars and twenty cents be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury to Payment for George E. '1`ingle, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise ap- “f"",;°"’ ” propriated, in full satisfaction for services rendered by him as a clerk in ° er ` the Executive office of Florida. Approved, July 13, 1832. _**' Srarurs I. Can. 0C1X.-An Act for the relief of Jolm Briclcwood Taylor. July 13, {S32_ Bc it enacted, ¢§·c., That there be paid, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to John Brickwood Taylor, the Simi? V¤l¤¤ specie value of a certificate, issued by M. Hillegas, continental trea- ggflfigfsfzgp surer, numbered one thousand four hundred and fifty-two, with interest to be paid, ’ on the said specie value, at four per centum per annum, from the twelfth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven; which certificate was issued in the name of Stephen Ketchum, and of which the said John Brickwood Taylor is now owner: Provided, That the Proviso. said John Brickwood Taylor shall first execute and deliver to the First Comptroller of the Treasury, a bond, in such sum and with such security, as the said Comptroller shall direct and approve, to indemnify the United States from and against the lawful claim of any other person or persons, for, or on account of, the said certificate. Approved, July 13, 1832. ——-··— Snrurn I. CHAP. CCX.—An Act for the relief of Joseph Kantbu. July 13, 1832. Be it enacted, dm., That the Commissioner of the General Land Office of the Unite States, at Washington City, be, and he is hereby, Ser? to be required (on Joseph Kamber’s relinquishing to the United States all his ;T;l°0f*g;;g‘;,4 right and title to the north—west quarter of section number four, town- on his mn,,.` ’ ship number seventeen, and range number three east, situated and being quishiug, &c- in the St. Stephen’s land district, Alabama, entered by the said Joseph Kamber, in the name of James B. May, by mistake) to issue scrip in favor of the said Joseph Kamber, for the sum of one hundred and ninety-five eighty-four hundredths dollars, receivable in any of the Land Oiiices of Alabama, in payment for any of the public lands that now is, or hereafter may be, subject to sale or entry in said state. Avvnovnn, July 13, 1832. —-— STATUTE I. CHAP. CCXI.—»dn Act for ilu: relief of Joseph Elliott. July 13, 1832. Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That all right, title and interest, which the United States possess in the reservation made to Joseph Elliott of lands within Right of U_ S_ the tract of country ceded to the United States by the treaty of the i¤¤¤q¤¤i¤ retwentieth December, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, with Qzgggfsgfd the Cherokee nation of Indians, be, and the same is hereby, vested in ` the said Joseph Elliott: Provided, That only six hundred and forty Proviso. acres, shall be granted by virtue of this act: And provided, also, That proviso, the said Joseph Elliott with his family, shall remove to the Cherokee tribe west of the Mississippi river; and that the Government of the United States shall not be chargeable with the expense of their removal or transportation, or with any allowance of land to, or on account of the said Elliott, or his family, or for the support of either after their arrival in the country of said tribe: And provided, also, That no con- Pmyim veyance or deed, of the said lands, or any part thereof, shall be valid or effectual, until such conveyance, or deed, shall be submitted to one of the district attorneys of the districts of Alabama, for his approbation;