Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/627

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TWENTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 300, 302,303. 1832. 527 fifth April, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, chapter sixty-seven, Act <>fAr>`ri1 section eight, and been confirmed by the act of one thousand eight hun- 2Q lflfhg {Z- dred and nineteen, chapter five hundred and ten, section three : Provided, 3, fam, elif3B, That this act shall not be construed to extend further than a relinquish- scc. 3-_ ment on the part of the United States, to any claim in and to said tract P'°“°°‘ of land: And provided, also, That this act shall not be considered us Proviso. interfering with the rights of other persons in and to said tract of land. Armovnn, July 14, 1832. ‘*‘-" Snrura I. CHAP. CCC.-./9n Act for the relief of Mary Daws, Robert Bond, James July 14, 1832. Patridge, and John G. Smith. -—-—————i- Be it enacted, 4$·c., That the said Mary Daws, Robert Bond, James Patridge and John G. Smith, who respectively, did cultivate and inhabit Cerrnn perlands within the Territory of Florida, previous to the first day of J anu- s°"g· "P?9 °“'· ary, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, and would have been $:,:;,;,,220 entitled to pre-emption rights therefor, under the provisions of an act be entitled io of Congress of the twenty-second day of April, one thousand eight hun- P"°,;°ml£J'°¤ dred and twenty-six, entitled "An act giving the right of pre-ernption, rgclsgf ,;,,,.,1 in the purchase of lands, to certain settlers in the states of Alabama, 22, 1826,ch.28. Mississippi, and Territory of Florida ;" had not the lands by them so cultivated and inhabited, in manner aforesaid, fallen within the reservations made by the treaty with the Florida Indians on the eighteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, shall be and each of them, upon surrendering their respective improvements, are hereby entitled to a pre-emption right for a quarter section of land, in the district for the sale of lands, including the improvement, upon paying therefor, at the time of entry, one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, to the Receiver of Public Mcneys at the land office in said district, which pre-emption rights shall be located in the manner pointed out in the above recited act, and the act therein referred to. Areaovnn, July 14, 1832. _"*"‘ Srnurn I. CHAP. CCCII. —An .0ct for the relief of certain Invalid Pemicmera. July 16, 1832. Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to place on the invalid pension roll of the United States, the Certain names names of the following persons; whereupon they, and each of them, }:vl;‘;igh°;·‘;ig: shall be entitled to receive the pensions severally set against their names y0u_ pc respectively, during life; that is to say: Benjamin Calhoun, at the rate of four dollars per month; commencing on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty- two. Peter Bradley, at the rate of six dollars per month; commencing on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. John P. Reed, at the rate of six dollars per month; commencing on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. Anthony Murrey, at the rate of six dollars per month; commencing on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. Approved, July 16, 1832. —-—-- Srivrurz I. CHAP. CCC1lI.—An dat for the relief of Grieve Drummond. July 16, 1832. Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That there be paid to Grieve Drummond, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the amount of a Amount of pension granted to him by an act passed March third, one thousand £;";‘:';f§?,"‘°d eight hundred and fifteen, which has been withheld in consequence of M,,,,,;, 1815,0}.- his omission to comply with the provisions of the act,,passed March 80, to be paid. third, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. Armrovnn, July 16, 1832.