Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/630

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530 TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. C1-r. 11, 13, 14, 15. 1833 number thirteen, east, in the district north of Red river, in the state of Louisiana, in virtue of their right of pre-emption, according to the act 1830,ch.208· of Congress of the twenty-ninth of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Reservation Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the °*` °*h¤Y l¤¤d Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be selected and reserved for the f°’ °°h°°l°‘ use of schools, within the said fractional township number twenty-one, in lieu of the aforesaid lot, a lot of land of equal extent and value, in the same township, or the next thereto adjoining. Approved, January 28, 1833. Srnurs II. L Jan. 28, 1833. Cnn. X1.—··An Act for the relief of Peter McCormick. Be it enacted, eye., That Peter McCormick be confirmed in and to a Lund claim tract of land containing six hundred and forty acres, lying in the dis- <>°¤6¤¤°d- trict of St. Genevieve, on the river Platin, to be surveyed so as to include the land within the limits of the original survey made for him by Thomas Maddin, on the eighth of February, one thousand eight hundred and six, and which was filed before the board of commissioners for said district, in one thousand eight hundred and six; and upon which said board of commissioners, on the thirtieth of September, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, confirmed said claim for four hundred and fifty arpens of land, in the same manner, and upon the same terms, as if his claim thereto had been confirmed by the board of com- Proviso. missioners, for six hundred and twenty-four arpens: Provided, That this act shall only operate as a relinquishment on the part of the United States, to any claim they may have to the same; and that the same shall not interfere to or with the rights of other persons claiming title thereto. Approved, January 28, 1833. Snrun II. ————— Jan. 30, 1833. Cntr. XIH.—-An Act for the relief of the heirs of Jean Baptiste Saucier. Be it enacted, qc., That the heirs of Jean Baptiste Saucier be, and Land title they are hereby, confirmed in their title to a tract of land of six hun- °°"5"“°d· dred and forty acres, situated in the parish of Plaquemine, state of Louisiana, on both sides of the river Aux Chenes, to be located in such manner as to embrace the improvements made by the said J. B. Saup,°,,iS0_ cier, in his life-time: Provided, That this act shall only be considered as a relinquishment of title on the part of the United States, and not to prejudice the rights of third persons. Armovnn, January 30, 1833. Snrun II. ‘·#·· Jan. 30, 1833. CHAP. XIV.-An Act for the relief of I/Wiliam J. Tennille, of Georgia. Be it enacted, &c., That William A. Tennille, of Georgia, be placed To bepluccd on the roll of invalid pensioners, and be paid at the rate of eight dol- °“ P°"’”°“ lm- lars per month, commencing on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. Ammovnn, January 30, 1833. Srnurr Il. ———~—· Ian. 30, 1833. Gun. XV. —.d1i Act for the relief of George Mayfield. _ Be it enacted, &e., That there be, and is hereby, granted to George S¤¤¤1<3¤<>T£}¤d Mayfield, of the state of Tennessee, six hundred and forty acres of land, Q:;'::,,;:,,,',';} or to the amount of one section, to be selected by him in the tract of Foy; Jackson, country within the state of Alabama, acquired of the Creek nation, at the treaty of fort Jackson, in tracts not less than one quarter section,