Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/640

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540 TWEN'I‘Y-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 98, 99, 100. 1833. Vacancies in Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That any vacancy which, from Lhsstggfd °‘ death, resignation, or otherwise, may happen in the board of trustees, ` shall be filled according to the mode to be prescrilicd in the by-laws; Meetings, sac. that they may hold such meetings as they shall thmk proper, and to give form to their proceedings, may appoint such officers as they may deem necessary, and provide proper checks and responsibilities for the

ccurity of the property and funds of the corporation aforesaiclg that

-'°"!'¤¤l °Y PN- they shall keep a journal of their proceedings, upon which the by-laws °°°dmgs' shall be recorded; and that they shall make report at the annual meeting to be held in June, of the aH`airs'and condition of the institution for the preceding year. Approved, March 2, 1833. STATUTB II. March 2, Iggy_ Crux-. XCVIII.·-An Act for the rcliqf of John Bruce, administrator of Philip _j_.. Bush, deceased. ti€;=:;¤t;`¤L ¤;¤; Be it enacted, ¢§•c. ,' That the proper accounting officers of rhs treaued and Paisf sury do settle the claim of John Bruce, administrator of Philip Bush, deceased, for a certain certificate, issued on the third day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty, to the said Philip Bush, in his lifc-time, by J. Brown, junior, for Archibald Steele, Deputy Quartermaster General, and payable on the thirty-first. day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty, for thirty-two thousand eight hundred and forty-two dollars, and fifty-five nincticths, in continental emission; and that the said settlement be made according to the rules of depreciation: and that the said claim be allowed and paid to the said John Bruce, as administrator of Philip Bush, deceased, under the principles of the funding system, in the same manner, and in same amount, as if the suid Philip Bush had, on the thirty-first. day of December, 1790,4:11. 34. one thousand seven hundred and ninety, subscribed to the loan mudc in payment of the debt of the United States; and that the sum, so ascertained, be paid to the said John Bruce, as administrator of Philip Bush, deceased, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriatcd. Awnovnn, March 2, 1833. Suwrurz II. "—*— Mud] 2* 18s:;' Crue. XCIX.--Jin Act for the rcliqf of John Thomas, and Peter Foster. J. Tnomu ml- Be it enacted, Qc., That the proper accounting officers of the treal.m°df'°;s>’*;'“; sury do settle the account of John Thomas, and allow him live years' m,,’pwlu, mel;. full pay as a captain of infantry of the revolutionary army, in the Vir- ¤¤¢· ginia line, on continental establishment, with such interest thereon, as would have been payable to the said John Thomas, if a certificate had been given him for the amount of said commutation, and the same had, by him, bccn subscribed to the funded debt of the United States 4Ai§]98*` 0;***5;** under the act of one thousand seven hundred and ninety. ’ ’ l'Sec. 2. And be it furt/wr enacted, That the same accounting oiii- Pctcr Foster ccrs do scttlc the account of Pcter Foster, a lieutenant of infantry of

:P‘lug';ay the rcvolutionary army, of the Virginia line, and allow him Eve ycnrs’

as lieutenant, full pay as such lieutenant, with such interest thereon, as is dircctcd in with l¤”°'°°*· the foregoing section to be allowed to John Thomas; and that the said several sums of money and interest, be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. A1=rnovm>, March 2, 1833. S*u·ru·ru XI. -—····—··- . CHAP. C.—An Ag! for the relief nf James Taylor, of Kentucky. Dzyicpunfig} of Be it enacted, @*0., That the proper accounting officcrs of the treamfsgflto YQ sury department bc, and they arc hereby, authorized to adjust and scaled. sattlc the accounts und claims of J amcs Taylor, of Kentucky, late Dist.rictPnymastcr and Quartcrmzmster-Gcrneral, in the service of the United