Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/657

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'1`WENTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch.22,23,24,25,26. 1834. 557 Snrurs I. Cm?. XXII.--dn Act for the relief of Mah Staley. March 24, 1834. Be it enacted, <§·c., That Noah Staley be, and he is hereby authorized to relinquish to the United States, in such form as the Commis- May relinquish sioner of the General Land Office shall prescribe, the south-east quarter, g,~°f"§'" llgfn of the north-east quarter of section number twelve, township nurrber m,l;r;,.,};:,_ l four, south, range number ten, east, containing forty acres, in the district of lands offered for sale at Shawneetown, in the state of Illinois; and upon such relinquishment being made as aforesaid, the said Staley shall be, and he is hereby authorized to enter any other quarter of a quarter section of land in said district, in lieu thereof, which shall be liable to entry at private sale, and which does not contain more than forty acres. Approved, March 24, 1834. —-—--- Srnurs I. Cniu-. XXIII.-—.z2n Act for the relief ty Philip Hickey. Mm-c}tz4, ]534_ Be it enacted, Qc., That the Third Auditor of the Treasury aseer— __`"_* tain the value of the timber (as it was when taken) taken from a tract Payment fd; of land owned by Philip Hickey, after the seventeenth of June, one ¥i¤¤b*=¤’· thousand eight hundred and ten, and before the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, by the troops of the United States, for the public works at Baton Rouge, and for fuel; and that the amount so ascertained be paid to the said Philip Hickey by the Secretary of the Treasury, out of any money not otherwise appropriated. Approved, March 24, 1834. ———— Snruu I. CHAP. XXIV.-An dc! for the relief of Peleg Spencer. April 15, 1834. Be it enacted, ¢§~c.,_ That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay out of any money in the treasury Payment for not otherwise appropriated, to Peleg Spencer, the sum of two hundred h°”“s·&°·l"S'· and fifty-three dollars, in satisfaction of his claim against the United States, for the loss of two horses, and the injury done to his Wagon and harness while in the military service of the United States, on the frontier of Illinois, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two. Approved, April 15, 1834. —-—— Snrvrn I. CHAP. XXV.-An Act_fer the nclé; of John Haggerty and David Austin, of April 15, 1834. ew York. jj Be iz enacted, ¢§~c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is _ authorized to adjust and settle the claims of John Haggerty and David Chim? {0**1- Austin, of New York, for damages sustained by them in consequence l;§;l,;°l;“"° °f of the illegal seizure of teas, made in the city of New York, by the adjusted, collector of the port of Philadelphia, acting under the orders of the Secretary of the Treasury; to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That no allowance shall be made Prcvisc. for any damages sustained by them other than the interest upon the amount of the property detained from them, in the ditfcrence in the value of said property at the time of the illegal seizure, and the time of its delivery to them, on the substitution of other security: And pro- Proviso. vided also, That such allowance shall not exceed the sum of eleven thousand seven hundred and fifty-one dollars and four cents. Approved, April 15, 1834. ——-—-—— Snrurs I. CHAP. XXVI. —- in Act for lhe rally` of John Bills. April I5, 1834. Be it enacted, <$~c., That John Bills, of the parish of East Baton Rouge, _ be, and he hereby is, contirmed in his title to two hgpndéed and fifty-se- ,. w