Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/740

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640 TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch.125,126,12’7,128,129. 1836. Srnnrs I. June 23, 1836. CHAP. CXXV.—An Act for the relief of Francis R. T/zeabald. Be it enacted, Qc., That the collector of the port of Bath, in the Fine for de- State of Maine, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to P°'fm€ W”h°“* Francis R. Theobald, master of the brig Euphrates, of Gardner, m said

(i~;°,;h?,{_t° State, the sum of fifty dollars, the amount of a fine paid by him. to the

collector of New Orleans, for departing from said port of Bath, in said brig Euphrates, in November, one thousand eight hundred and thirty- three, without having on board a manifest of his cargo ; it being in evidence that the omission was altogether a mistake, and not the result of any design to defraud the revenue, or violate any law of the United States. APPROVED, June 23, 1836. Srnurs 1. -——-— ·1¤¤¢ 93. l$36· CHAP. CXXVI.—-An det for the relief of Jacob E Walter. Be it enacted, rfc., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to Jacob Patent fees to F. Walter, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, the sum of Efn;'°*“’“°d '·° thirty dollars, which was deposited in the treasury for a patent for an ' improvement made on a machine for making brick. Said patent has not issued, and the said Walter has withdrawn his application, and requests the restoration of his deposite. Avraovzn, June 23, 1836. Srnvcrs I. -———- June 23, 1836. Crier. CXXVII.—-.611 Act fur the relief of James Wilibenlr. Be it enacted, ef-e., That the proper accounting officers of the trea- His aeeountas sury be authorized and directed to audit and settle the account of the

§3m;"&“u:’db° Rev. James Wiltbank, for services performed as acting chaplain of the

paid_ navy, at the naval asylum and the navy yard at Philadelphia, and to allow him for the time he shall appear to have performed such services, the pay and emoluments of a chaplain in the navy of the United States; and that the amount found due to the said James Wiltbank, be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, June 23, 1836. S·rn·u·rs I. _""' June 23, ]836_ Can. CXXVI1I.——.£n Act for the relief of James Caulfield. Be it enacted, &c., That James Caulfield be authorized to enter with Authorized to the proper land office in Alabama, at one dollar and twenty-five cents fg¤¤gl¤¤d¤¤ per acre, so much land as is known to constitute the reservation of ° °m°' eggy Bailey, u half breed Creek Indian woman, under the treaty of Fort Jackson; being that portion of section seven, in township five, range five, on the east of the Alabama river, and so much of the fraction seven of said township and range, on the west side of the Alabama river, as will make, in the whole, three hundred and twenty acres of land. Arvnovan, June 23, 1836. Srurvrs I. -———· June 23, 1836. CHAP. CXXIX.—.d·n Jcifor the •reliefq` Daniel Smith. Be it enacted, dm., That the Commissioner of the General Land A pupept Sir u Office be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue a patent Egg; Qc '° to Daniel Smith, of Morgan county, Indiana, for the south-east quarter of section twenty, towns ip thirteen north, range one west, in the district of lands offered for sale at Crawfordsville : Provided, That this act shall not be construed to affect the rights of any third party. Approved, June 23, 1836.