Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/753

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TWENTY-I*`OURTH CONGRESS. S. I. C. .194,195,196,197,198,199. 1836. 653 . Sutton L CrrAr·.CXCIV.~·-·An det for the relief of Jonathan Dow. June 28, 1836. Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of War be authorized and directed to place the name of Jonathan Dow on the pension roll of the To be placed United States, and that he pay the said Dow the sum of twenty dollars °“ P°“°*°“ wuper annum, to commence the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and to continue during his natural life. Ari-novnv, June 28, 1836. "_"` Snrurs I. Cuar. CXCV.-—— An Act or the reli James Scott Richard Saver 0 and Lot Leonid, soldiers Ziflillle revolulionaiy war. 8 nl Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of War be required to place the names of James Scott, of Sparta, in the state of New York, Richard To bg Placed Severson, of the town of Preble, in the state of New York aforesaid, 011 P¢11¤1°11 1*111- and Lot Leonard, of Green county, Pennsylvania, upon the pension roll, and pay each of them as follows, to wit: The said James Scott, twenty dollars a year; the said Richard Severson, thirty dollars a year; and the said Lot Leonard, forty dollars a year. The time of payment to commence on the fourth of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-one. Approved, June 28, 1836. ——·-·· Smrun I. CHAP. CXCVI. —— An Act for the relief of John Boone. June 28, 1836. Bc it enacted, Sw-., That the Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, required to place John Boone, of Charles county, Maryland, upon the To be placed list of revolutionary pensioners, and cause to be paid to said John Boone °“ P°“*“°“ h“*· the pension allowed to lieutenants in the line, for service for one year and five months, under the law of June seven, one thousand eight hun- Act of June 7, dred and thirty-two; the said pension to commence on the fourth day 1832- °h· 126- of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. Approved, June 28, 1836. "_"" Survra I. CHAP. CXCV11.—An Act for the relief of John Herrick. June gg, 1336; Be it enacted, rf-c., That the Secretary of War pay to John Herrick, an invalid pensioner, an arrearage of pension at the rate of two dollars Ammgof per month, commencing at the time his name was placed on the list of P6!1¤1°¤€° bv invalid pensioners, and continuing to the time when his pension was P“d°°h“”‘ increased to the sum of eight dollars per month; to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Avpnovnn, June 28, 1836. _""` Snrvra I. CrrA1>.CXC`V111.—-An Hel for Ike relief of Ann Evans. Jun, 28, 1g3S_ Be it enacted, rye., That there be paid to Ann Evans, widow of George Evans, late of the city of Washington, deceased, out of any money in Fit-, y,m,· the treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sum equal to five years' half h¤lf_p¤y vf ¤ pay of a private soldier in the army of the United States, the said George jglgg °u°w°d Evans having been injured while in the service of the navy department, of which injury he subsequently deceased. A1’PROVED, June 28, 1836.

    • ' Srrururz I.

CHAP. CXCIX.-—An Act granting a pension to Ebenezer Dewey. June gg, 1836, Be it enacted, Qc., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place the name of Ebenezer Dewey, of Roy- To be Placed alton, in the county of Windsor, and state of Vermont, on the roll of on pension roll. revolutionary pensions, and to pay him at the ratesof éorty dollars per n