Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/781

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TWVENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 345, 346, 347, 348. 1836. 681 operate as a relinquishment, on the part of the United States, of all their right and claim to the above described lot of ground, and shall not interfere with or affect the claim or claims of third persons. (rt) Approved, July 2, 1836. Suruu L CHA?. CCCXLV.—An Act for the relief of lamea Bradford, of Louisiana. -l¤lY 2. 1836- Be it enacted, &c,, That James Bradfofd, of Louisiana, shall be, and he hereby is, confirmed in his right to four hundred and twenty-seven Qontirmed in arpens of land, situated in the parish of West Feliciana, in the state of i"° i'Kl,§E*°£ Louisiana, fronting on the Mississippi river, three quarters ofa. mile be- mc ° an low the mouth of Bayou Sarah, bounded on the upper side by lands granted to William Williams; below by those of Augustin Allain; and back by those of the aforesaid Williams and others; and the register of the land office in the proper district, on a presentation of the survey and Spanish patent for the said tract, shall cause an entry thereof to be made, and grant him a certificate therefor, whereupon a patent shall issue for the same in due form: Provided, however, That this act shall Pmviso, operate only as a relinquishment, on the part of the United States, of their right and claim to the said tract of land, but shall not interfere with the claim or claims of other persons. Approved, July 2, 1836. Snrvrn I. Crux-. CCCXLVI.-·An Act for the relief of Coleman A. Collier. Jul? 2» 1836- Be it enacted, &c., That the, Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, T I d directed to place the name of Coleman A. Collier on the roll of invalid on ‘;,;’,fs§,:°;°°“_ pensioners, and pay him ten dollars a month during his natural life, commencing on the seventh day of December, A. D. eighteen hundred and thirty-five. Approved, July 2, 1836. ` Srnurs I. CHAP. CCCXLVII.—An Act for the relief Jean Baptiste Janis, senior, of Jhssodri. July 2, 1836. Be it enacted, rfc., That the Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, directed to place the name of Jean Baptiste Janis, senior, of Missouri, To be placed on the roll of officers and soldiers under the act entitled "An act sup- °¤ P‘*'"”°“ muplernentary to ‘the Act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the revolutionj approved the seventh June, eighteen hundred Act of June 7, and thirty-two," and to cause him to be paid in the same manner as the 183% °h· mi persons already inscribed on said roll, at the rate of ten dollars per month, from and after the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-one. Approved, July 2, 1836. Srnurn I. CHAP. CCCXLVIII.-—.x]n Jlct amendatory of the act entitled “An act to incarpo- July 2, 1836, rate t/te Provident Association of Clerks in the Civil Department of the Goverw ment of the United States in the District of Columbia." " ’ ' Bc it enacted, &c., That from and after the passage of this act, the President and Board of Officers of the Provident Association of Clerlrs May invest be, and they are hereby, authorized to invest the funds of said Associa- ttm funds m . . . s are or other tion, in the stocks of any of the states, or in any other stocks that. the mocks_ President and Board of Officers may judge advisable from time to time. Ai-raovnn, July 2, 1836. n _" wv-`. (a) See the case of Pollard against Kibbe, 14 Peters, 353. B6