Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/783

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TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 365, 366, 367. 1836. 683 cisse Carmouche, Julie Alexandrie, and Martin Major, Nicholas Bara, and Francis Menard, saving and reserving, however, to all adverse claimants, the right to assert the validity of their claims in a court of justice. Approved, July 4, 1836. Snrurz 1. Cru? CCCLXV.-An Hctfar the relief of Frederick C. De Krajt. July 4, 1836. Be it enacted, <§·c., That the proper accounting officers of the trea- W sury be, and they are hereby, directed to audit and settle the account of Hi, www u Frederick C. De Kraft, United States surveyor of the city of Washing- surveyor of the mn from June first, eighteen hundred and twenty-two, to the period of my °*`bgV¤¤bi;5: his appointment as surveyor of the said city, under an act of the cor- wu w mm poration thereof, passed August the thirteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and that he be allowed the same annual rate of compensation as was allowed to his immediate predecessor in office; together witl1 such allowance for office rent and other contingencies as had been usual and customary, or as shall to the accounting officers seem just and proper; and that, after deducting from the amount such sums as may have been paid him by the Commissioner of Public Buildings, for services rendered in his official capacity, the balance, if any, be paid to the said Frederick C. De Kraft, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, July 4, 1836. """"' Snrurn I. Cuar. CCCLXV1.~·-An Act granting a. pension to General Eleazcr W. Ripley. July 4, l836. Be it enacted, t$·c.,'That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to place the name of Eleazer W. Ripley on the invalid pension To be Placed list of the United States, and to pay him a pension at the rate of thirty on pension lint. dollars per month, from and after the first day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty, during his iife. Approved, July 4, 1836. '“"""` S·r1l·ru·r¤ I. Char. CCCLXVII.-—.An Act to authorize the corporation of Georgetown to close July 4, 1836. certain streets in said town. ‘—‘—‘*·‘*—‘ Be it enacted, qc., That the corporation of Georgetown, in the Dis- Pq¤i¤n¤ 9f trict of Columbia, be, and is hereby, authorized to sell, in fee simple, or otherwise dispose ol} and convey, all that portion of Fayette street, sold. and Lingan street, in said town, lying south of the canal : Provided, pmvgm That nothing herein contained shall affect the right of any individual. Approved, July 4, 1836.