Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/806

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706 TWENTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Crr.25,26,2’7,28,29. 1838. robbing the mail, who was turned out of the prison in the western district of Louisiana, from its being abandoned on account of the cholera. p, ent m S_ Sec. 2. And be it gather enacted, That the Secretary of the Trea- M. Miles for sury pay to Smith M. iles, out of any money in the treasury not other-

,‘{ggg""l “°" wise appropriated, ninety-one dollars and fifty cents, for attending on

` the negroes mentioned in the preceding section, as a physician, during their sickness, when so confined, and furnishing them medicine. Approved, March 7, 1838. Snrprs II. "*"* Mqmh 7, 1333, Crux-. XXV.-An Jclfor the relirf of Presley LC O’Bann0n. Be it enacted, eye., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay, out of Payment for , any unappropriated money, to Presley N. O’Bannon, eighty-six dollars, h¤l‘¤¤l¤¤¢- the value of a horse furnished by him to Landy Summer, a mounted Kentucky volunteer under the command of Governor Shelby, in the year eighteen hundred and thirteen, in the expedition into Canada, which horse died or was lost by reason of his rider being dismounted and separated from said horse. Armiovnv, March 7, 1838. Srnurz II. ·—··—· March 7, 1838. Crux-. XXVI. -·—/In Act for the relief of Allen R. Moore. Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay, out of p,,,,,,,,,,, ro, any unappropriated money, to Allen R. Moore, twenty-eight dollars, in use of his store, full for the use of his store in the village of Champlain, in the state of &’°· New York, by the troops of the United States, as barracks, in March, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and for damage done to said store during such occupancy. Approved, March 7, 1838. Srarurz II. -—-—-— March 7, 1838. Crm?. XXVII.—An Act for the relief of Edward Burgess. Be it enacted, rfc., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to Ed- Pgymgutfgr ward Burgess, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, thirty dol- ¢=€f¤?i¤ ¢XP¤¤- lars, for expenses incurred and paid by him as a captain of a company of °°"“°“"°d‘ New York militia in the service of the United States during the late war, for quarters, fuel, and maintaining the teamster and team employed in transporting the baggage of said company, when on the march from Marcellus to Smith’s mills, a distance of one hundred and forty miles. Approved, March 7, 1838. Surura II. *"""" Much y, gg3S_ Curr. XXVIII.-An Act for the relief of dbraham Lansing. Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Navy be authorized to Accgunr tc. bg examine the account of Abraham Lansing for services performed as examined. &c. assistant in the naval recruiting service at Boston, and for services as mast:->r’s mate at the same station; and, if the said Lansing performed said services, the same shall be paid, as is allowed for like services, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, notwithstanding the certificate of Commodore Bainbridge to said account was not given before his deecase. Approved, March 7, 1838. S·u·ru·rs II.-—-—- March 7, 3333, Cruz-. XXIX.-—dn Act for the relief of Sarah Murphy. Be it enacted, dm., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to Sarah payment;,.,, Murphy, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, cleansing Arch eighty dollars, for services performed in whitewashing and cleansing the "’°°* l’“S°“· Arch street prison, in Philadelphia, in the year eighteen hundred and fifteen, after the same had been used and occupied by the United States