Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/919

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TWENTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. S1zss.II. Ch.9,10. 1841. 819 Vasseur, the remaining one section of the reservation to said Me-sbeke-ton-o; To Noel Vasseur, the one section reserved to Francis Le Vice ; To Gurdon S. Hubbard and Richard J. Hamilton, the reservation to Joseph Leframboise and Therese, his wife; I To Robert A. Kinzie and Richard J. Hamilton, the reservation of one section to Archange Peltier; To Richard J. Hamilton, the reservation of one section to Min-e- rnaung. It being understood, and this relinquishment is made upon the con- Conditions on dition`, that the several persons herein named as grantees have purchased Wliiilh *h° ’?h'*‘ of the several reservees, by authentic and regular deeds, their respective gjljsetnent B rights in and to the said reservations: And provided, further, That no sale or conveyance of said reservations by the said 'reservees shall be deemed regular, nor shall this act have effect, untilithe President of the United States shall have approved such conveyance, and endorsed his approval thereon. Approved, February IS, 1841. Srurnrn II. Cr-rap. IX. —- An .0ct supplementary to an act entitled “An act to encourage the in- Fcb_ 18, 1841. tmrluction, and promote the cultivation of tropical plants," aywmred seventh ————— July, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight. Wliereas, under the provisions of the act, to which this is a supplement, Preamble Doctor Henry Perrine made, in the manner thereby required, the Actorjuijy, location therein authorized; and while engaged in the necessary 1838.¢h·188· measures to carry into effect the objects contemplated by the said act, was murdered by the Seminole Indians: and whereas Mrs. Ann F. Perrine, the widow of the said Doctor Perrine, is anxious to continue the undertaking thus commenced by her late husband, but is prevented from so doing by the continuance of the Indian war in Florida: therefore, Be it enacted, rfc., That Mrs. Ann F. Perrine, the widow of the said Henry Perrine, and Sarah Ann Perrine, Hester M. S. Perrine, and Widow and Henry E. Perrine, his surviving children, are hereby declared to be ;,l;;:°:§gé°,f,3;a entitled to all the rights and privileges vested in and granted to the said to the yightg, Doctor Henry Perrine, by the act to which this is a supplement, and <'${·¤·V¢¤¤=di¤ that the time limited by the said act in which every section of said h“"*&‘°‘ grant should be occupied to prevent the forfeiture of the same to the United States, be, and the same is hereby, extended to eight years from and after the time when the present Indian war in Florida shall cease and determine. Approved, February 18, 1841. Sxwrumn II. CHAP. X.--An Act for the relief of Mary Tucker. Feb. 27, 184l. Bc it enacted, rfcc., That the west half of section fifteen, in township 1843, ch. 16. six south, of range two east, in the Territory of Arkansas, be, and the Certain land same is hereby, reserved from sale, and appropriated for the use of }grbf_‘;€;;;V§? schools in said township, in lieu of the south-west fractional quarter Bohmé, in hw and the south-east fractional quarter of section sixteen, in that town- of other land. ship; and the east half of section number fifteen, in township number six south, of range two east, shall be taken and held, in all respects, and for the same purposes, as the aforesaid fractional quarters of section number sixteen would have been held and taken if this act had not been passed, the majority of the citizens of said township having agreed to the same.