Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1029

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laws of the United States in relation to the duties, functions, and obli- gations of officers and employees of the Service and the administra- tion of the Service. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO PRESCRIBE REGULATIONS SEC. 303 . In cases where authority to prescribe regulations relating to the Service or the duties and obligations of officers and employees of the Service is specifically vested in the President by the terms of this or any other Act, the President may, nevertheless, authorize the Secretary to prescribe such regulations. PART B-SERVICES FOR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT SEC. 311. The officers and employees of the Service shall, under such regulations as the President may prescribe, perform duties and functions in behalf of any Government agency or any other establish- ment of the Government requiring their services, including those in the legislative and judicial branches, but the absence of such regula- tions shall not preclude officers and employees of the Service from acting for and on behalf of any such Government agency or establish- ment whenever it shall, through the Department, request their services. TITLE IV-CATEGORIES AND SALARIES OF PERSONNEL PART A-CATEGORIES OF PERSONNEL SEC. 401. The personnel of the Service shall consist of the following categories of officers and employees: (1) Chiefs of mission, who shall be appointed or assigned in Post,p. 1007. accordance with the provisions of section 501; (2) Foreign Service officers, who shall be appointed in accordance Post, p. 1007. with section 511, including those serving as chiefs of mission; (3) Foreign Service Reserve officers, who shall be assigned to the Service on a temporary basis from Government agencies or appointed on a temporary basis from outside the Government in accordance Post, p.1009. with the provisions of section 522, in order to make available to the Service such specialized skills as may from time to time be required; (4) Foreign Service staff officers and employees, who shall be Post, p. 010. appointed in accordance with the provisions of section 531 and who shall include all personnel who are citizens of the United States, not comprehended under paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (6) of this sec- tion, and who shall occupy positions with technical, administrative, fiscal, clerical, or custodial responsibilities. (5) Alien clerks and employees, who shall be appointed in accord- Pot, p.loll. ance with the provisions of section 541; and (6) Consular agents, who shall be appointed in accordance with Pod, p. 1011. the provisions of section 551. PART B-SALARIES CHIEFS OF MISSION SEC. 411. The President shall for salary purposes classify into four classes the positions which are to be occupied by chiefs of mission. The per annum salaries of chiefs of mission within each class shall be as follows: Class 1, $25,000 per annum; class 2, $20,000; class 3, $17,500; and class 4, $15,000. PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 957--AUG. 13, 1946 [60 STAT. 1002