Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1151

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INDEX Carderock, Md.. Experimental Model Basin. appropriation for ------- ____ Carolina Beach, N. C., examination and survey authorized ----- __________- Carp River to Middle Island Point, ex- amination and survey of Lake Supe- rior shore line authorized --- __ ___- Carriers. See also Railroads. Employment taxes- "Employee," definition of ----- ___ Rates------------ _ __ __ __ __ .... __ . Freight forwarders- Common carriers by motor vehicle, utilization of services -- _ ____ _- Joint rates or charges, operation under, etc-__________________- Motor carriers, emergency powers of Interstate Commerce Commission over, time limit ----------- _____ Motor transport regulation, appropria- tion for increased pay costs -_ __ Safety of employees, appropriation for increased pay costs_____________ Signal safety systems, appropriation for increased pay costs ------- _____- Valuation of property, appropriation for increased pay costs----- _ __ ___ __ Water carriers, emergency powers of Interstate Commerce Commission over, time limit ------- _________ Carson Indian Reservation, Nev., appro- priation for -- __--- ..---- _ ____. __- Cashua Ferry, S. C., bridge authorized across Pee Dee River at or near - - _ Casper, Wyo., clerk of U. S . District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of ----------- __ Castle Clinton National Monument, N. Y ., establishment, etc ------------ __- Catalina Highway, protection of desig- nated scenic values ----------- ____ Cattaraugus Creek, N. Y ., examination and survey authorized ----------. - Caustic Poison Act, Federal, appropriation Pag 48, 63i 641 72' 72; 2: 345 10E 105 105 105 345 357 120 478 997 254 640 for enforcement ------------------ 687 Cavalry Activities, U. S. Army, reduction in appropriations ------------ -- 14, 224 Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kans., appro- priation for---------------------- 554 Cemeteries, National. See National Cem- eteries. Censorship, Office of, salaries and ex- penses, reduction in appropriation -_ 7, 221 Census, Bureau of the. See under Com- merce, Department of. Central Valley Project, Calif., appropria- tion for ---------------------- 365, 367 Cereal Rust Control, appropriation for--- 280 e Chamberlin Hotel, Fort Monroe, Old Page 5 Point Comfort, Va., reinstatement of leasehold, etc ..------------- 886 9 Chapel Creek, Dorchester County, Md., examination and survey authorized_ 639 Chaplains, Army, Chief of, appropriation 0 for Office of---____---------------- 561 Chariton River and Tributaries, examina- tion and survey authorized________ - 652 1 Charleston Harbor, S. C ., extension of 3 Shem Creek Channel, examination and survey authorized -------- _- 639 Charlevoix Harbor, Mich., South Arm, 1 breakwater at or near East Jordan, examination and survey authorized-- 640 2 Chattahoochee River, improvement au- thorized ----------------------- _ 635 Checks or Warrants, U. S ., Altered, Etc.: Claims with respect to, time limitation for------------------ .- - - -- - -. 31 Time extension in case of fraudulent concealment of facts---------- 31 Chemawa, Oreg., appropriation for educa- tion of Indians------------

_ 193 Chemical Corps. See under War Depart- ment. Chemical Warfare Service. See under War Department. Chena Slough, Alaska, examination and survey authorized --_ -- -- --- -- _ - 652 Cherokee Nation, Okla., Keetoowah In- dians, status ------------ _---_--_ 976 Cherry Point, N. C., reimbursement of cer- tain Navy personnel, former Navy personnel, Marine Corps personnel, and former Marine Corps personnel, for personal property losses at ----- 118 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, administra- tion, protection, etc., appropriations authorized --..------------------- 885 Appropriation for ------------------- 377 Chestnut Creek, flood-protection project authorized ---------------------- 649 Cheyenne and Arapaho Reservation, Okla., use, etc., of Seger School Reserve lands ----------------------

976 Cheyenne Indians, Okla., appropriation for construction of buildings and util- ities---.-- _--

.. -- --

_ 357 Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul and Pa- cific Railroad Company, extension and renewal of lease of designated tract of land authorized ----------------- 311 Chicago River, North Branch of, improve- ment authorized ------------- _--_ 636 Child Health Services: Appropriation for grants to States__ 681, 913 Increase in appropriation authorized--- 986 XXIV