Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1176

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INDEX District of Columbia-Continued. Page Public schools-Continued. Operating expenses, appropriation for----------------------- 114,504 Playground sites, appropriation for-_ 507 Supervision and instruction, general- Appropriation for------------- 114, 504 Restriction on use of funds ------- 504 Teachers- Nonapplication of double-salary re- striction for designated period- 507 Retirement, provisions relating to deductions, annuities, disabili- ty, etc------------------- 875 Report to Congress respecting dis- bursements, annuities, etc-- 881 Retirement and annuity fund- Appropriation estimates and ac- tuarial valuations, prepara- tion by Treasury Depart- ment-------------------- 881 Deposit in U. S. Treasury, in- vestment, etc ------------ 876 Teachers' retirement appropriated fund, appropriation for --------- 505 Vocational education, George-Deen program, appropriation for--- 114, 504 Public Utilities Commission- Appropriation for-------------- 114, 504 General counsel, compensation of . -- 502 Restriction on use of funds -------- 504 Public welfare- Adult correctional service- Appropriation for------------- 115, 514 Products and services, sale of ---- 514 Transfer of accumulated profits under working capital fund to general revenues --------- 514 Advances to Director of------------ 515 Dependent children, aid to--------- 512 Director, Office of, appropriation for- 115, 512 Family Welfare Service, appropria- tion for-------------------- 115,512 Juvenile correctional service, appro- priation for---------------- 115, 513 Mental Rehabilitation Service, ap- propriation for ----- 115, 265, 514, 616 Nurseries and nursery schools, estab- lishment, etc., authorized; time limitation --- _--_---------- -- 540 Appropriation authorized -------- 541 Appropriation for -------------- 615 Employees, payment of compensa- tion for services rendered dur- ing designated period, author- ized---------------------- 894 Receiving home for children, appro- priation for------------------- 512 District of Columbia-Continued. Page Public welfare-Continued. Vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents, appropriation for ---- 512 Public Welfare, Board of, transfer of certain powers and duties to De- partment of Corrections --------- 320 Public works- Appropriation for ------ 115, 188, 266, 515 Testing laboratory, Highway Depart- ment, restriction on operation; disposal of equipment of existing laboratory ------------------- 616 Purchasing Division, appropriation for- 114,503 Recorder of Deeds, Office of- Appropriation for -------------- 114, 504 Saturday closing, provision for ----- 860 Recreation Department, appropriation for------------------------- 114,508 Red Cross, American National, transfers of property to, exemption from in- heritance tax------------------- 303 Redevelopment Act of 1945. See Dis- trict of Columbia Redevelopment Act of 1945. Reformatory, appropriation for- ------ 514 Refuse Division, appropriation for; re- striction--------------------- 115, 519 Regulatory agencies, appropriation for- 114, 265, 503, 615 Reimbursement of other appropriations, appropriation for increased pay costs------------------------- 115 Rent Act, Emergency, extension------ 340 Rent Control, Office of Administrator of, appropriation for---------- 114, 504, 615 Retirement fund, appropriation for-- - 503 Safety Council, National, Inc., appro- priation for affiliation with -- ... .- 515 St. Ann's Infant Asylum and Maternity Hospital, appropriation for .------ 513 St. Elizabeths Hospital. See separate title. Saturday holiday for banks, building and loan associations, etc., provi- sion for ----------------------- 534 School-lunch program, definition of "State educational agency" for purposes respecting-------------- 234 Schools. See Public schools, this title. Secret Service forces, reimbursement for benefit payments to, appropriation for------------------------ 577, 623 Securities, U. S., sale of; crediting of proceeds to general fund.-- --- -- - 523 Servicemen- Housing, designated temporary- Appropriation authorized -- .- -- - 203 Removal.. --- ------ --.

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