First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1946, nonapplicability of designated provi- sion to certain loans under Veterans' Emergency Housing Act of 1946- . . "First Fight of Ironclads, Monitor and Merrimac", transfer of painting to Naval Academy------------------ First Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1947. See Supplemental Appropria- tion Act, 1947, First. First Supplemental Surplus Appropriation Rescission Act, 1946-------------- First War Powers Act, 1941, Amend- ments. See Trading With the Enemy Act. Page 212 961 6 Fish: Agricultural commodities; maximum price-------------------------- 673 Food fishes, appropriation for investiga- tions, propagation, etc ----------- 379 Pacific Halibut Fishery, allocation pro- gram, appropriation for expenses - 194 Fish and Wildlife Service. See under Interior, Department of the. Fish Screens, appropriation for operation and maintenance _-----_---------- 379 Fisheries, Commercial, collection of sta- tistics, etc., appropriation for------- 379 Fisheries Commission, International, ap- propriation for-------------------- 456 Fishers, domestic raising, classification-- _ 127 Fishery Market News Service, appropria- tion for------------------------- 379 Fishing Vessels, sale by U. S., notice to former owners of disposal, etc ------- 977 Fissionable Material. See Atomic Energy Act of 1946. Five Civilized Tribes, Okla., appropriation for expenses of tribal officers -------- 360 Flandreau, S. Dak., appropriation for edu- cation of Indians------------------ 193 Flandreau Indians, S. Dak., appropriation for industrial assistance ----------- 361 Flathead Indians, Mont.: Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes- Availability of funds--------------- 302 Jurisdiction of Court to hear claims- _ 715 Hot Springs enterprise, appropriation for development----------------- 360 Irrigation and power systems, appro- priation for ------------------ 110, 192 Ranger station, appropriation for con- struction of building at----------- 193 Flaxseed Harvested Prior to July 1, 1946, subsidy payments, 1946 crop program operations -__ _-- ---- ---- ----- ---- 57 Fleet, Reserve, National Defense, estab- lishment, composition-------------- 49 Fleet Marine Corps Reserve, transfers to, Page retired and retainer pay ----------- 344 Flight Strips, national defense, construction by Public Roads Administration, re- duction in appropriation ---------- 9, 222 Flint River, examination, improvement, etc., authorized---------------- 635, 640 Flood Control. See under Rivers and Har- bors. Flood Control Act of 1937, Amendment, appropriations for flood control, allot- ment for removal of debris; limitation- 652 Flood Control Act of 1941, Amendment, appropriations for flood control, allot- ment for rescue work, repair, or main- tenance __----------------------- 652 Flood Control Act of 1946-------------- 641 Appropriations authorized------------ 653 Authorization for projects, time limita- tion------------------------- Buffalo Creek and tributaries, amend- ment of program, stabilization of stream banks------------------- Debris, removal of, allotment of appro- priations for flood control; limita- 641 653 tion--------------------------- 652 Highways, etc., allotment of appropria- tions for flood control for emergency bank-protection works --------- _ 653 Leasing of lands, receipts, payments to States --------------------- 642 Local agencies, cooperation by, applica- bility of provisions of law respecting_ 641 Mississippi River Commission - Amphibian airplane, purchase author- ized; cost limitation ---------- _ 647 Engineers, Corps of, certain retired officers, retention of position, etc., as member of Commission; pay_ 646 Penstocks, etc., for hydroelectric power development, installation author- ized ---_ ------------ ---------- 644 Plans, specifications, and preliminary work, funds for ----------------- 644 Policy of Congress, declaration of..--- 641 Preliminary examinations and surveys, designated authorizations ----- 651, 652 Procedures with respect to plans, pro- posals, etc., applicability of desig- nated provisions of law--_ --- -- - - 641 Projects, adoption and authorization- Altamaha River Basin ------------- 645 Arkansas River Basin ------------- 647 Additional appropriations author- ized---------------.- - -- -- _ 647 Boise River Basin- --.-------- _ 650 Brazos River Basin --------------- 649 Delaware River Basin ----.- -- __--- 644 Gila River Basin _------_-------- 650 Great Lakes Basin-- --------- _- -- 649 INDEX LXII