Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1204

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LXXVII Hospital Survey and Construction Act- Continued. Construction of hospitals and related facilities-Continued. Payments for construction-__ ---- -- State plans, submittal; requirements, etc-------------------------- Definitions ----------------------- Federal Hospital Council, composition, duties, etc--------------------- Purpose, declaration of-------------- State control of operations ----------- Surveys and planning- Allotments to States .--- ---------- Appropriation authorized -_------ State applications, requirements--- Hospitalization, Federal Board of, ap- propriation available for salaries---- Hospitals: District of Columbia- Appropriation for- Central Dispensary and Emer- gency Hospital------------- Children's Hospital------------- Columbia Hospital and Lying-in Asylum ----------------- Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital------------------- Gallinger Municipal Hospital ---- IS Page 1045 1043 1046 1048 1041 1049 1042 1041 1041 61 511 511 512 511 115, 88, 511 St. Ann's Infant Asylum and Maternity Hospital --------- 513 St. Elizabeths Hospital. See sepa- rate title. Tuberculosis Hospital-------- 188, 511 Hospital center, establishment, ap- propriation authorized, etc----- 89( Federal Security Agency- Freedmen's Hospital, appropriation for------------------------ 186,688 Reimbursement to United States by District of Columbia, ap- propriation for ------------- 51, Student nurses, transfer of funds for items furnished under training program----------- 69' Public Health Service. See separate title. Veterans' Administration facilities and services, appropriation for ------- 75 82, 105, 26 Hot Springs, Ark., appropriation for Army and Navy Hospital ---- __--- - 55 Hot Springs National Park, Ark., transfer of jurisdiction over certain offenses-- 30 House Administration, House Committee on: Contested-election cases, reports to- __ 83 Functions. ete


82 louse of Representatives. See also Con- Page gress; Legislative Branch of the Government. Appropriations, Committee on, ap- pointment of three experts to study and report on fiscal affairs of Saint Croix, V. I----- ------- - 384 Atomic energy, bills, etc., relating to, reference to Joint Committee on Atomic Energy----------------- 772 Burgin, William Olin, payment to widow of, appropriation for------ 184 Chaplain, appropriation for ___ - - - - - - 393 Clerk, Office of, appropriation for ---- 263, 393, 912 Clerk hire, appropriation for ------- 104, 397 Committee employees- Appropriation for-------------- 263,394 Availability of appropriations for pay of designated employees-_- 835 Committees, official reporters to, ap- propriation for . -- --- -- -- -- -- - - 397 Compensation. See under Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. Contested-election expenses, appropria- tion for------------------------ 57 Contingent expenses, appropriation for_ 104, 184,263,397,602,912 Debates, official reporters of, appro- priation for ------------------- 397 Doorkeeper, Office of, appropriation- 263, 395 Ervin, Joe W., appropriation for pay- ment to widow of--------------- 57 Expense allowance- Appropriation for----------------- 393 Exemption from tax; repeal of prior provision ------------------- 850 Folding documents, increased pay costs, appropriation for --------------- 104 Folding room, appropriation for------ 912 Hearings, appropriation for reporting-- 397 Internal Revenue Taxation, Joint Com- mittee on, appropriation for------ 103, 184, 391,397 Legislative Counsel, Office of- Appropriations authorized---------- 837 Appropriations for--------- 103, 104, 399 Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. See separate title. Lobbying, regulation of. See Regula- tion of Lobbying Act, Federal. Pages, appropriation for---------- 263,396 Pay costs, increased, appropriation for 104 Postage stamps, air-mail and special- delivery, furnishing to Representa- tives, etc., appropriation for------ 398 Postmaster, Office of the, appropriation- 396 Printing, Joint Committee on. See separate title. INDEX ..... .
