Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/198

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 251-MAY 13, 1946 (10) "United States share" means that portion of the project costs of approved projects under this Act which is to be paid from appro- priations made under authority of this Act. (11) "Military and naval aircraft" means aircraft owned and operated by the United States Army, the United States Navy, the United States Coast Guard, or the United States Marine Corps. (12) "State" means a State of the United States or the District of Columbia. Airport Classifications (b) For purposes of this Act, a project shall be considered one for development of an airport of a certain class if upon completion of the airport development proposed, the airport so developed would be properly classifiable as of that class according to the airport classifi- cation standards of the Administrator stated in Civil Aeronautics Administration Bulletin "Airport Design" dated April 1, 1944. NATIONAL AIRPORT PLAN Formulation of Plan SEC. 3. (a) The Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to prepare, and revise annually, a national plan for the development of public airports in the United States, including the Territory of Alaska, the Territory of Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Such plan shall specify, in terms of general location and type of development, the projects considered by the Administrator to be necessary to provide a system of public airports adequate to anticipate and meet the needs of civil aeronautics. In formulating and revising such plan, the Administrator shall take into account the needs of both air commerce and private flying, the probable technological developments in the science of aeronautics, the probable growth and requirements of civil aeronautics, and such other considerations as he may deem appropri- ate, and shall, to the extent feasible, consult, and give consideration to the views and recommendations of, the Civil Aeronautics Board, the States, the Territories, and Puerto Rico, and their political sub- divisions, and shall, to the extent feasible, consult, and give consider- ation to the views and recommendations of, the Federal Communica- tions Commission, and shall make all reasonable efforts to cooperate with that Commission for the purpose of eliminating, preventing, or minimizing airport hazards caused by construction or operation of any radio station. In carrying out this section the Administrator is authorized to make such surveys, studies, examinations, and investi- gations as he may deem necessary. Consultation with War and Navy Departments (b) In carrying out this section the Administrator shall also con- sider the views and recommendations of the War and Navy Depart- ments to the end that the airport development included in such plan may be as useful for national defense as is feasible, and shall ascertain from such Departments the extent to which military and naval airports and airport facilities will be available for civil use. The War and Navy Departments shall consider the views and recommendations of the Administrator to the end that military and naval airports and airport facilities may be made available for civil use to such extent as is feasible. FEDERAL-ATD AIRPORT PROGRAM SEC. 4. In order to bring about, in conformity with the national airport plan prepared and from time to time revised as provided in this 171 "United States share." "M ilitary and naval aircraft. " "State." Preparation and an- nual revision. Consultations. Hazards caused by radio stations. Surveys, etc. Grants of funds.