Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/273

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 327, 328-JUNE 11, 1946 as a warrant or petty officer, may be appointed by the President with- out examination to permanent commissioned warrant or warrant grade with the same lineal position and other rights and benefits which he would have had or normally would have attained in due course had he not been appointed pursuant to subsection (a) of section 5, or (3) at the time of his appointment under subsection (a) of section 5 held permanent status as a petty officer may be reenlisted as a chief petty officer (permanent appointment) and shall be entitled to the same rights and benefits to which he would have been entitled or normally would have attained in due course had he not been appointed pursuant to subsection (a) of section 5." Approved June 11, 1946. [CHAPTER 328] AN ACT June 11, 1946 [H. R. 450] Granting the consent and approval of Congress to an interstate compact between [Public Law 408[ Colorado and New Mexico with respect to the waters of Costilla Creek. Costilla Creek Com- pact. Colorado and New Mexico. Purposes of com- pact. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent and approval of Congress is hereby given to the compact between the State of Colorado and the State of New Mexico designated as the Costilla Creek Compact signed in the city of Santa Fe, State of New Mexico, on the 30th day of September, anno Domini 1944, by Clifford H. Stone, commissioner for the State of Colorado, and Thomas M. McClure, commissioner for the State of New Mexico, and thereafter approved by the Legislatures of the States of Colorado and New Mexico, which compact reads as follows: COSTILLA CREEK COMPACT The State of Colorado and the State of New Mexico, parties signa- tory to this compact (hereinafter referred to as "Colorado" and "New Mexico", respectively, or individually as a "State", or collectively as the "States",) having resolved to conclude a compact with respect to the waters of Costilla Creek, an interstate stream, have designated, pursuant to the Acts of their respective Legislatures and aptpoint- ment by their respective Governors as their Commissioners: Clifford H. Stone, for Colorado; Thomas M. McClure, for New Mexico; who, after negotiations, have agreed upon these articles: ARTICLE I The major purposes of this compact are to provide for the equitable division and apportionment of the use of the waters of Costilla Creek; to promote interstate comity; to remove causes of present and future interstate controversies; to assure the most efficient utilization of the waters of Costilla Creek; to provide for the integrated opera- tion of existing and prospective irrigation facilities on the stream in the two States; to adjust the conflicting jurisdictions of the two States over irrigation works and facilities diverting and storing water in one State for use in both States; to equalize the benefits of water from Costilla Creek, used for the irrigation of contiguous lands lying on either side of the Boundary, between the citizens 246 r60 STAT.