Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/275

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 328-JUNE 11, 1946 [60 STAT. "Boundary." (i) The "Boundary" is the term used herein to describe the common boundary line between Colorado and New Mexico. "Costela Reservoir (j) The term "Costilla Reservoir System" means and includes the Costilla Reservoir and the Cerro Canal, the permits for the storage of water in Costilla Reservoir, the twenty-four and fifty-two hun- dredths (24.52) cubic feet per second of time of direct flow water rights transferred to the Cerro Canal, and the permits for the diversion of direct flow water by the Cerro Canal as adjusted herein to seventy-five and forty-eight hundredths (75.48) cubic feet per second of time. ysteCmti' (k) The term "Costilla Reservoir System Safe Yield" means that quantity of usable water made available each year by the Costilla Reservoir System. The safe yield represents the most beneficial operation of the Costilla Reservoir System through the use, first, of the total usable portion of the yield of the twenty-four and fifty-two hundredths (24.52) cubic feet per second of time of direct flow rights transferred to the Cerro Canal, second, of the total usable portion of the yield of the direct flow Cerro Canal permits, and third, of that portion of the water stored in Costilla Reservoir required to complete such safe yield. "Usable Capacity." (1) The term "Usable Capacity" is defined and means that capacity of Costilla Reservoir at the stage above which the State Engineer of New Mexico will not permit storage except for short periods of time. gemporary Stor- (i) The term "Temporary Storage" is defined and means the water permitted by the State Engineer of New Mexico to be stored in Costilla Reservoir for short periods of time above the Usable Capacity of that reservoir. FAdditisnal Storage (n) The term "Additional Storage Facilities" is defined and means storage capacity which may be provided in either State to impound waters of Costilla Creek and its tributaries in addition to the nominal capacity of Costilla Reservoir and the Costilla Creek complement of the Eastdale Reservoir No. 1 capacity. " DutyofWater." (O) The term "Duty of Water" is defined as the rate in cubic feet per second of time at which water may be diverted at the headgate to irrigate a specified acreage of land during the period of maximum requirement. "Surplus Water." (p) The term "Surplus Water" is defined and means water which cannot be stored in operating reservoirs during the Storage Season or water during the Irrigation Season which cannot be stored in oper- ating reservoirs and which is in excess of the aggregate direct flow rights and permits recognized by this compact. "Irrigation Seaon." (q) The term "Irrigation Season" is defined and means that period of each calendar year from May 16 to September 30, inclusive. "torage Season." (r) The term "Storage Season" is defined and means that period of time extending from October 1 of one year to May 15 of the succeeding "Pi o year, inclusive. "Points o Iter-. (s) The term "Points of Interstate Delivery" means and includes (1) the Acequia Madre where it crosses the Boundary; (2) the Cos- tilla Creek where it crosses the Boundary; (3) the Cerro Canal where it reaches the Boundary; and (4) any other interstate canals which might be constructed with the approval of the Commission at the point or points where they cross the Boundary. "WaterCompany." (t) The term "Water Company" means The San Luis Power and Water Company, a Colorado corporation, or its successor. 248