Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/369

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 522 -JUNE 29, 1946 Repeal. 64 Stat. 886. 50U.S.C. app. 303 (e). 64 Stat. 888. 50 U. S. C., Supp. V, app. §305 (e)(l). Deferment. Ante, p. 181. Induction of persons with dependent chil- dren. "Child." Supra. Release of persons with dependent chil- dren. Ante, p. 341 . Induction of persons with previous service. 67 Stat. 697. 50 U. S. C. Supp. V, app. §306 (). Manner of induo- tion. 64 Stat. 897. 60 U. S. C., Supp. V, app. m316 (b). Ante, p. 181. 54 Stat. 885, 890, 897. 50U.S.C. app. §§ 303(a)-(d), 308, 316(b); Supp. V, §{ 303(a), (c), 308 ,316(b). Ante, pp . 181,341. under this Act. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, when- ever, after January 1, 1946, the Congress declares that the national interest is imperiled, such periods of training and service may be extended by the President to such time as may be necessary in the interest of national defense." SEC. 4 . Section 3 (e) of such Act, as amended, is hereby repealed. SEC. 5 . (a) Section 5 (e) (1) of such Act, as amended, is hereby amended by inserting after the first sentence thereof the following new sentence: "No person shall be deferred for employment in indus- try except upon the basis of his then status in an industry essential to the national health, safety, or interest." (b) Section 5 (e) (3) of such Act, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: "(3) After May 14, 1946, no individual who has a child or children dependent upon him for support, or with whom he maintains a bona fide family relationship in their home, shall be inducted without his consent for training and service under this Act. As used in this paragraph, the term 'child' includes a child legally adopted, a step- child, a foster child, and a person who is supported in good faith by the individual in a relationship similar to that of a parent and child but such term does not include any person eighteen years of age or over unless such person is physically or mentally handicapped." (c) Section 5 (e) of such Act, as amended, is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraphs: "(4f Any man inducted under the provisions of section 3 (a) of this Act who has a child or children, as hereinabove defined, depend- ent upon him for support, or with whom he maintains a bona fide family relationship in their home, shall, upon his request after August 1, 1946, be relieved from his period of training and service under this Act. "(5) No individual shall be inducted without his consent for training and service under this Act, if he has served on active duty in the land or naval forces of the United States outside the conti- nental limits of the United States or in Alaska; or if he has served on active duty in the land or naval forces of the United States for a period of at least six months after September 16, 1940 (excluding the time that any such individual so served while pursuing a course of instruction in a university, college, or other similar institution of learning). The provisions of this paragraph shall cease to be effec- tive during any period after January 1, 1946, when the Congress or the President shall declare that the national interest is imperiled." SEC. 6 . Section 5 (m) of such Act, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "(m) No individuals shall be called for induction, ordered to report to induction stations, or be inducted because of their occupa- tions, or by occupational groups, or by groups in any plant or insti- tutions, except pursuant to a requisition by the land or naval forces for persons in needed medical professional and specialists categories." SEC. 7 . Section 16 (b) of such Act, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "(b) The provisions of the third sentence of section 3 (a) of this Act shall become inoperative and cease to apply at 12 o'clock post- meridian on July 1, 1947. All of the other provisions of this Act, except the provisions of sections 3 (b), 3 (c), 3 (d), 8, and 16 (b), and the fourth and fifth provisos of the second sentence of section 3 (a), shall become inoperative and cease to apply at 12 o'clock post- meridian on March 31, 1947, or on such earlier date as may be speci- fied in a concurrent resolution of the two Houses of Congress for that purpose, except as to offenses committed prior to such date. 342 [60 STAT.