Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/421

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 530 -JULY 1, 1946 Ante, p. 263. 59 Stat. 4. 2U.S.C., Supp.V, §60i. Ante, p. 263. four at $2,340 each; bookkeeper and assistant in disbursing office at $2,160 each; assistant in disbursing office, at $1,800; additional cleri- cal assistance in disbursing office in accordance with the provisions of House Resolutions Numbered 585, 390, and 679, adopted December 16, 1942, December 20, 1943, and December 14, 1944, respectively, $15,000; three assistants to chief bill clerk at $2,100 each; stenog- rapher to the Clerk, $2,500; assistant in stationery room, $1,740; three messengers at $1,680 each; stenographer to Journal clerk, $1,560; laborers-three at $1,440 each, ten at $1,260 each; telephone operators-assistant chief, $2,400, twenty-three at $1,800 each; lon- gevity pay of operators as authorized by Public Law 2, Seventy-ninth Congress, $2,085; operators and extra services of regular employees, when required, at the rate of not to exceed $135 per month each, $1,620; property custodian and superintendent of furniture and repair shop, who shall be a skilled cabinetmaker or upholsterer and experienced in the construction and purchase of furniture, $3,960; two assistant custodians at $3,360 each; locksmith and typewriter repairer, $1,860; messenger and clock repairer, $1,740; operation, maintenance, and repair of motor vehicles, $1,200; in all, $217,025. COMMIT3EE EMPLOYEE Clerks, messengers, and janitors to the following committees: Accounts-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; janitor, $1,560. Agriculture-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; janitor, $1,560. Appropriations-clerk, $8,000; assistant clerks and other personal services at rates to be fixed by resolution of the committee and cer- tified to the Clerk of the House of Representatives, $62,880, thirteen clerk-stenographers at the annual rate of $2,400 each, one for each subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations having jurisdic- tion over a regular annual appropriation bill as shall be designated by the chairman of the Committee on Appropriations and to be appointed by the chairmen of the subcommittees so designated, subject to the approval of the chairman, and one for the office of the ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations, to be appointed by him, $31,200. Banking and Currency-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; janitor, $1,560. Census-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Civil Service-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; janitor, $1,560. Claims-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; assist- ant clerk, $1,800; janitor, $1,260. Coinage, Weights, and Measures- clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Disposition of Executive Papers- clerk, $2,760. District of Columbia-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; janitor, $1,260. Education-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Election of President, Vice President, and Representatives in Con- gress-clerk, $2,760. Elections Numbered 1-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Elections Numbered 2-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Elec- tions Numbered 3-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Enrolled Bills- clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Expenditures in the Executive Depart- ments-clerk, $3,300; janitor, $1,260. Flood Control-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Foreign Affairs-clerk, $3,900, and $600 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; assistant clerk, $2,640; assistant clerk, $2,400; janitor, $1,260. Immigration and Naturalization-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,400; janitor, $1,260. Indian Affairsclerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,460; janitor, $1,260. Insular Affairs-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Interstate and Foreign Commerce-clerk, $3,900 and $600 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent; additional clerk, $2,640; assistant clerk, $2,100; janitor, $1,560. Irrigation and Recla- mation-clerk, $2,760; janitor, $1,260. Invalid Pensions-clerk, $3,300; assistant clerk, $2,880; expert examiner, $2,700; stenographer, 394 [60 STAT.