60 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 2 D SESS.-CH. 543-JULY 8, 1946 For transportation of troops and applicants for enlistment, includ- ing cash in lieu of ferriage and transfers en route; for payment for transportation of general court-martial prisoners; toilet kits for issue to recruits upon their first enlistment and other incidental expenses of the recruiting service; and transportation for dependents of officers and enlisted personnel; $10,400,000; For repairs and improvements to barracks, quarters, and other public buildings at posts and stations; leasing and improvement of buildings at such places as the public exigencies require; and erection of temporary buildings upon approval of the Secretary at a total cost of not to exceed $70,000 during the year; $2,040,000; For forage and stabling of public animals and the authorized number of officers' horses, $70,000; For miscellaneous supplies, material, equipment, personal and other services, and other incidental expenses for the Marine Corps not other- wise provided for; purchase and repair of furniture and fixtures; pur- chase of motor truck chassis with station-wagon type bodies, motor- busses, and motorcycles and repair of passenger-carrying and other vehicles, including parts; veterinary services, shoeing, and medicines for public animals and the authorized number of officers' horses; pur- chase of mounts and horse equipment for all officers below the grade of major required to be mounted; books, newspapers, and periodicals- printing and binding; packing and crating of officers' allowance of baggage; funeral expenses of officers, enlisted personnel, accepted applicants for enlistment, and retired officers on active duty, including transportation of their bodies, arms, and wearing apparel from the place of demise to their homes in the United States; construction, operation, and maintenance of laundries; and care and operation of schools at Marine Corps posts; $49,000,000; Marine Corps Reserve: For clothing, including clothing for aviation cadets, subsistence, heat, light, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses, $2,857,000; In all, general expenses, $124,147,000, to be accounted for as one fund. In all, Marine Corps, $354,412,000. INCREASE AND REPLACEMENT OF NAVAL VESSELS Construction and machinery: On account of hulls and outfits of ves- sels and machinery of vessels heretofore authorized (and appropriated for in part); on account of the acquisition, conversion, alteration, and repair of vessels heretofore authorized (and appropriated for in part); and for the replacement of combatant vessels as authorized by the Act of July 9, 1942; for necessary tools, equipment, and facilities in public or private plants for shipbuilding; $300,000,000 and, in addition, $50,000,000 by transfer from the appropriation 'Increase and replacement of naval vessels, armor, armament, and ammunition", to remain available until expended: Provided,That, of the appropria- tions made available by this Act under the head of "Increase and replacement of naval vessels", there shall be available such sums as the Secretary may from time to time determine to be necessary for the engagement of technical services, and the employment of person- nel in the field, the purchase of plans, drafting and other supplies, subject to the limitations hereinafter established, owing to the con- struction of vessels which have been or hereafter may be authorized: Provided, further, That the balance remaining of appropriations under "Increase and replacement of naval vessels" shall not be avail- able for beginning the construction of any new vessels during the fiscal year 1947. 493 Vehicles. School. 66 Stat. 66. 34 U. B. C., Supp. V, § 49a-6. Transfer of funds. Technical serviaes, etc. Construction ofnew vessels.