Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/80

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79TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 83 -MAR. 8, 1946 the period it was vested in the Alien Property Custodian, of the returned property, interest, or proceeds. Any notice to the Alien Property Custodian in respect of any property or interest or pro- ceeds shall constitute notice to the person to whom such property or interest or proceeds is returned and such person shall succeed to all burdens and obligations in respect of such property or interest or proceeds which accrued during the time of retention by the Alien Property Custodian, but the period during which the property or interest or proceeds returned were vested in the Alien Property Custodian shall not be included for the purpose of determining the application of any statute of limitations to the assertion of any rights by such person in respect of such property or interest or proceeds. "'(e) No return hereunder shall bar the prosecution of any suit at law or in equity against a person to whom return has been made, to establish any right, title, or interest, which may exist or which may have existed at the time of vesting, in or to the property or interest returned, but no such suit may be prosecuted by any person ineligible to receive a return under subsection (a) (2) hereof. With respect to any such suit, the period during which the property or interest or proceeds returned were vested in the Alien Property Custodian shall not be included for the purpose of determining the application of any statute of limitations. "'(f) At least thirty days before making any return to any person other than a resident of the United States or a corporation organized under the laws of the United States, or any State, Territory, or possession thereof, or the District of Columbia, the President or such officer or agency as he may designate shall publish in the Federal Register a notice of intention to make such return, specifying therein the person to whom return is to be made and the place where the property or interest or proceeds to be returned are located. Publi- cation of a notice of intention to return shall confer no right of action upon any person to compel the return of any such property or interest or proceeds, and such notice of intention to return may be revoked by appropriate notice in the Federal Register. After publication of such notice of intention and prior to revocation thereof, the property or interest or proceeds specified shall be sub- ject to attachment at the suit of any citizen or resident of the United States or any corporation organized under the laws of the United States, or any State, Territory, or possession thereof, or the District of Columbia, in the same manner as property of the person to whom return is to be made: Provided, That notice of any writ of attach- ment which may issue prior to return shall be served upon the Alien Property Custodian. Any such attachment proceeding shall be sub- ject to the provisions of law relating to limitation of actions appli- cable to actions at law in the jurisdiction in which such proceeding is brought, but the period during which the property or interest or proceeds were vested in the Alien Property Custodian shall not be included for the purpose of determining the period of limitation. No officer of any court shall take actual possession, without the con- sent of the Alien Property Custodian, of any property or interest or proceeds so attached, and publication of a notice of revocation of intention to return shall invalidate any attachment with respect to the specified property or interest or proceeds, but if there is no such revocation, the President or such officer or agency as he may desig- nate shall accord full effect to any such attachment in returning any such property or interest or proceeds. "'(g) Without limitation by or upon any other existing provision of law with respect to the payment of expenses by the Alien Property Custodian, the Custodian may retain or recover from any property Prosecution of suits at law, etc. Notice of intention to make return. Specified property subject to attachment. Service of writ of attachment. Recovery of expend- itures 53 60 STAT.]